Page 31 of Cupid's Last Arrow

Eros gives me a heated look and winks. “Maybe I have.” He tries some fries and closes his eyes in bliss. “I suppose you are a natural matchmaker,” he jokes.

“Have you really never had a burger before?” I ask skeptically.

“Not like this.” He takes another bite. “This one is worth burning my heart for.” Through his thick lashes, he eyes me. “Thank you for sharing your sacred place with me.”

I fluster at the comment. It’s just a burger joint, but he knows it means something to me. He thanks me as if I have done him a favor. A grin sneaks up on me and spreads across my face.

He takes another bite, and I whip out my camera and snap a couple shots of him fully immersed in his food-gasm. He chuckles when he opens his eyes and sees me taking his picture. This god is downright sinful.

As we finish eating, Eros asks, “Are you sure you want to return home tonight?”

“I don’t think avoiding Carl is a great option, but I should probably look for a new place starting tomorrow.” I wipe my hands vigorously on my paper napkin. Overcome with emotions, I jump up and hurry to the washroom so I can wash my hands.

In the bathroom, I grip the sink and stare at my reflection. It’s dim in the small room, but there’s just enough light to see the pain on my face. This is it. My relationship with Carl is doomed. Our friendship is on its last legs.

My eyes burn, but I shove that emotion down so I can at least make it home before I cry.

No one wants someone crying as they pay the bill, not even my friend Gina.

Gathering my courage, I dry my hands and head back to my table. Gina is actually sitting in my place, and Eros is charming her as I approach. She flushes pink when she sees me and realizes that she sat in my seat, like she hadn’t meant to sit there.

Gina jumps up and places the bill on my table. I snatch it up before Eros can grab it.

He tries to take it out of my hand, and I hold it away. “My treat,” I say. “It’s the least I could do after that fancy meal you bought me.”

“Dee,” he says with a bit of annoyance, but not much. He mostly sounds amused.

Gina’s eyes widen at that statement and then she quickly runs off with my credit card before Eros can argue.

Gina drops off my card and I give her a generous tip even though I want to deduct some due to her overt attention to Eros, but I know he’s hot and probably exuded all kinds of woo-woo pheromones or something.

I nod to her and head out, with Eros trailing behind me.

On the way home, I glance at the clock and hope Carl is already in his room, but it’s early enough that he might be lingering in the common area. I’m banking on the fact that his weekend of sexing has worn him out, and he’s already in bed.

As Eros and I quietly enter, I’m happy to see the lights are off and I can make a beeline to my room without any awkward interactions.

After Eros enters, I shut my bedroom door, watching him sprawl out on my bed to relax. He rubs his belly like it’s going to explode. But I can’t see any bloating when he has an eight-pack for abs.

“I’m going to take a bath,” I announce and pick out some pajamas before I disappear into my private bathroom.

“Leave the door open a crack,” he says.

I poke my head back out to glare at him. “Why?”

“Last time you took a bath, someone might have been watching you,” Eros reasons. “I want to be able to sense if anyone shows up here.” He holds his hands up to stop my protest. “Relax, I won’t peek unless I sense someone.”

I roll my eyes. “How long is this constant monitoring going to last?”

“As long as it needs to last.” Eros folds his hands behind his head as he makes himself comfortable on my bed.

I think about his conversation with Hermes. Is Eros scared of what Hermes might do to me if I’m left alone?



Eros is already in my bed, under the covers, and dozing when I finally return from my bath.