Page 28 of Cupid's Last Arrow

“The great web of life, of course.” Eros grins wickedly.



After I shut the door behind me, I grab my most flattering pair of jeans, a light, fitted sweater, and a comfortable set of cotton underwear from my dresser, and then I hurry into my ensuite bathroom to change.

When I come out, I pick up my purse. “Come on, I need to get out of here for a bit. Hungry?” I ask Eros.

He takes a second to look me up and down, appreciation in his gaze. “I could eat.”

That’s right, he doesn’thaveto eat or sleep as much as a human. Although, he seems to like to go through the rituals.

I grab his hand and drag him behind me as we exit the house so he won’t linger and check out the rest of my soon-to-be former home.

I slide into the driver’s seat and let out a shaky breath as Eros sits next to me. He gives me a worried glance.

“I can drive if you are too upset,” Eros offers.

“I’ll be fine. I just need a second.” I take another deep breath. “Any preferences on food?” I ask as I reclaim my equilibrium.

“I don’t care much, as long as it isn’t mediocre. No point in eating crappy food.” He crinkles up his nose, and it just makes him look adorable. “Your life’s too short.”

“Well, I could use some comfort food,” I admit, then perk up with the idea. “I know a great mom-and-pop place, or at least,Ilike it.” I don’t know if he will too. He seems to have expensive taste.

“I trust you.” Eros places his large, warm hand over mine. His disarming scent of spring and new beginnings floods my nose again. “I would love to try out the place where you find refuge.”

I look up to see compassion pouring out of his eyes. Maybe he actually can do that. I haven’t learned all about his powers yet. Whatever is happening, it makes me feel better.

“Thank you,” I say, truly meaning it.

“For what?” Eros asks.

“For not making things worse with Carl and for being nice to me. I’m sure gods aren’t used to dealing with human interactions and their emotional roller coasters this much.”

“I’m different from most.” Eros grins. “But yeah, I haven’t been in the trenches of emotional upheavals, as it were, for a while. However, I understood that in saving you, I would get immersed once again in… life.”

I start up the engine and head toward the diner, then what he said makes me curious. “What do you mean about immersing yourself in life? Have you been absent from Earth for a while?”

“In a manner of speaking, yes. I’ve had cupids working for me over the past several decades, but they are mostly focused on hookups, and they let love fall where it may. I kind of checked out from the day-to-day stuff.” Eros sighs. “I just didn’t really care all that much.”

“I’m sorry.” I bite my lip. “Does that mean you want to fade away like the other gods?”

Eros is quiet for a long moment that seems to stretch into the entire drive. “I don’t want to lie to you…” He pauses. “But yeah.”

Damn, that almost breaks my heart.

Another silence hangs between us, then I ask, “But… if you were todisappear… would people still fall in love? And what would actually happen to you?”

He chuckles. “My sweet little cupid, yes, love would still continue. The emotion is your own, but there would be far fewermeet-cutesthat you humans enjoy. As far as love is concerned, there isn’t as much of really deep love as you would think. Much of the time, humans don’t marry for true love, they marry for convenience or fear of being alone. Is there true and fated love? Yes, but not very often. Sure, partners might care and like each other well enough, or lust for each other enough to find companionship, but a pure love that can heal eons of karmic pain? No, that’s very rare.”

I don’t have a response to that. Do I have pure love in my heart for Carl? I know I love him enough that I want him to be happy, even if it isn’t with me. Is that pure love? I suppose I could ask Eros, but I’m not ready for the answer just now.

I pull into the restaurant parking lot of the Burger Love Shack. I almost roll my eyes at how appropriate it is that this was one of my favorite places to eat. Eros will probably tease me when he notices its name.

Right on cue, Eros bursts out laughing. “Really? Are you messing with me?”

I join him in his easy laughter, and for a moment, everything hurts less. “No. I swear, this is my favorite place. I suppose I was destined to work for you.”