Page 21 of Cupid's Last Arrow

Eros smirks at my reference and hits the gas. “Onward, good steed!”

I shake my head. At least he has a sense of humor. I’m sure there are other gods who don’t have one. Probably most. I suppose I’m lucky I ended up with him if I had to get any of them.

We have a pleasant breakfast and keep the conversation light and about the weather, the drive, and food. I’m biding my time to interrogate him about last night’s visitor. I need the long road trip so I can ask my questions uninterrupted.

“I’ll drive the first shift,” Eros offers. “Just tell me which direction to go.”

“Alright.” I’m still not a hundred percent after my rough night of sleep, so I let him drive.

As soon as we get situated on the highway, I begin my questioning. “Why was Hermes in our room last night?”

Eros’s arm muscles flex and ripple as his fingers turn white around the steering wheel. “You heard us?” His eyes widen after a beat. “How did you know who he was?”

“You said Herm.” I roll my eyes. “I have the supernatural power of deduction.”

“What did you hear?” he asks, his voice stiff.

“No. Don’t do that.” I chop the air like I am directing a movie. “I’m not going to play games. I want to know why he was there. It sounded ominous.”

He flicks his gaze to me for a second, obviously debating what to confess. “He wants to know why you haven’t accepted my magic… your matchmaker abilities yet.”

“What does that mean?” I crinkle my brow.

“You are rejecting me… my offer of the job.”

“No, I haven’t.” Ididsay yes on the cliff, didn’t I?

“You might have said you choselifeon the cliff.” He sighs. “But you haven’t officially accepted my offer yet. You haven’t let me in.”

Let him in? “So what happens if I don’t accept you?” I ask.

His grip on the wheel tightens even more. I’m sure my steering wheel will have permanent dents. I’m afraid I will have to replace it if he squeezes it anymore than he already is.

“What is it? What’s wrong?”

Instead of answering, he asks, “Why haven’t you accepted me?”

“How am I supposed to do that? You know I’m new to all this god shit. I thought I already did!” I throw my hands up in irritation. “I said I would do the job. I let you hound me on my photo shoot. I’m letting you drive my car and ruin my steering wheel,thank you very much.” He lets up on his grip, and I continue, “What is it? Am I supposed to let you fuck me?”

“What?” He blinks in surprise. “No.”

I think it’s funny that a love and sex god is turning pink at my crass language and suggestion.

“Why areyouflustered?” I ask.

“I’m not.” He shakes off his blush. “You must accept your powers by letting your guard down with me and take the job. You must accept me.”

“But I don’t know you.” Turning my body slightly away from him, I cross my arms.

“Then we will have to rectify that.” Eros arches his eyebrow and watches me for a reaction. “I never had someone so resistant to my charms before.”

“Fine, I guess I’ll try to let my guard down a bit,” I say, and he begins to relax. Narrowing my eyes at him, I ask, “But how can I learn to trust you?”

“I have an idea. What do you want to know about me?” His shoulders ease down to their normal placement instead of clenching tightly toward his neck.

I start off easy, lulling him into a sense of safety before I begin asking heavier questions. “Did you exist before people began to believe in you?”

“Oh, you’re referring to the theory that gods came into being because of belief.” I nod, and he continues. “Well,Idid, but some gods existed as magical humans before they had a devoted following. Then there are other gods who were wandering spirits that manifestedintothe energy humans created.”