Page 19 of Cupid's Last Arrow

Their wonderful spot is a fancy place that hangs over the ocean cliffs. Between last night and today, I’m eating the equivalent of my car’s monthly payment. Being frugal all these years makes it hard for me to enjoy a meal with such an exorbitant price tag. Sure, the food and decor are excellent, but for that price, it better be.

I download the images onto my tablet. Then I thumb through the shots and point out which ones I like as they do the same.

Suddenly, Eros tenses next to me. I don’t expect to be that tuned into him, but my eyes snap up to see what’s upsetting him.

I gently nudge him with my elbow, trying not to make a scene.

The gesture breaks the spell over him. He smiles at me, but not with his usual wattage. Something’s going on.

We wrap up our meal and break for the couple’s wardrobe change.

When I get into my car and am finally alone with Eros, I say, “Something upset you back there.”

“I thought I sensed someone, but I’m probably just paranoid after your experience in the shower.” He pats my hand. “No need to worry.”

The rest of the day goes off without a hitch. I’m able to capture some wonderful shots of the couple during sunset, and they are happy with the untouched photos.

“I will email you a batch and you can pick out your favorites,” I explain. “Then I can make them print ready.”

“Sounds great. I think I’ll have a hard time picking out which I like best,” Vivian trills happily.

“You did a great job.” Thomas shakes my hand and holds it longer than is appropriate.

“Thanks. Drive safe!” I back away and make a show of packing my gear so they’ll get the hint to leave.

Once the couple drives off, I see Eros crumple a piece of paper and toss it into the trash can in the parking area.

“What was that?”

“Vivian slipped me her number.” Eros presses his lips together.

“What is wrong with people?” I huff. “And she thinks you’re with me on top of it!”

I’m beginning to rethink my choice for a job. Maybe I shouldn’t take engagement or wedding photos.

Is love a lie?

“Hey,” he whispers as he wraps his powerful arms around my waist in a comforting embrace. “Don’t take it that hard. I need you to believe in love.”

I jerk away and finish packing up my gear. “Why? I thought that was your job.”

Unperturbed, he says, “It’syourjob now.”

I grumble. “Whatever.”

We drive back to the hotel in silence. Thank the gods that I have another night at the hotel. I’m so beat that I couldn’t drive several hours back home without some rest.

Without a word, I escape to the bathroom and take a bath, trying to release all the tension the day has built up in my body. Being at my near-death site, running around like a maniac, trying to please my clients, and making sure Eros didn’t say or do anything to jeopardize my job has taken its toll on my nerves and reserves.

My eyes drift closed as I languidly trail my hands through the warm water.

Then I feel it again—a presence.

Am I imagining the whole thing? However, Eros doesn’t seem to think it’s just my imagination.

“Eros?” I call with a bit of alarm in my voice.

He pops into the room, and I quickly cover my breasts with my hands, but he isn’t looking at me. Instead, he’s scanning the room, as if he has sight beyond a normal humans. He probably does, being a god and everything.