Page 18 of Cupid's Last Arrow

I’m not normally a jumpy person, but things are weird now. I don’t like how Eros became upset by my suspicion that someone has been watching me.

The clues finally register. “Am I in danger?”

Eros is too busy scanning the parking lot for threats to answer right away. “Probably not.”

Thatresponse doesn’t ease my worry.

“Frakin’ kraken,” I mutter.

“Huh?” Eros whips his head around and stares at me. “Frakin’ kraken?”

“It’s cursing, or my version of it.” I suck in a breath and refocus. “So what’s going on?”

“Don’t take his name in vain. The kraken is a totally misunderstood dude.”

I’m not sure if he’s teasing me or not. However, my cursing seems to have alleviated some of his tension. I arch an eyebrow at him. “Really?”

He smirks at me but doesn’t answer. “Back to the shower. Like you said, it could be your imagination or a lost spirit or…” He pauses.

“Or what?” I prompt.

“Or someone with ill intent.” Eros grasps my hand. “Don’t worry. I will protect you.”

I gulp back my fear. He doesn’t sound completely convinced he can take care of me, and I get the feeling he believes it isn’t my imagination or a spirit.

Glancing at the clock, I remember my appointment with the couple. I rev the engine to life and take off toward Lovers’ Bluff.

When I pull into the parking area, a chill races up my spine. I almost died here yesterday, and now I have a love god shadowing me.

The couple is already waiting.

“Dee!” the bride-to-be calls out as I exit my vehicle.

They are both dressed impeccably. She wears a long, flowing, soft pink dress that looks dramatic in the wind and flatters her curves. The groom-to-be wears black slacks and a white button-up, with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. They are a strikingly good-looking couple. It appears as though I was correct, they do have money to burn, which I can tell by their brand-new and upgraded Range Rover. Their car and her dress aren’t cheap.

I wave as I approach. “Vivian and Thomas, it’s so nice to meet you in person.”

When Eros exits the car and follows me, Vivian’s eyes light up. She watches him like a predator hunting a meal. I don’t like it. Not because I’m jealous, but because her fiancé is standing right next to her, for goodness’s sake. I see her drooling from several yards away.

Vivian smiles wickedly at the love god. “I didn’t realize you had a crew.”

“Fiancé, actually,” Eros correct, “but I like to help when I can.”

“Lucky photographer,” she says with envy.Ugh.

I openly glare at Eros, since both Vivian and Thomas are staring at him. He grins widely at me, as if he’s proud to be my boyfriend, and pulls me to his side. “Just call me Cupid, assistant to photos of love,” he says in a mock whisper with a hint of a suggestive tone. “You won’t believe how hard this minx makes me work for it sometimes.”

“Oh my.” Vivian giggles flirtatiously.

“Anyway!” I blurt to get the conversation back onto a professional track, patting his back a bit harder than necessary and pulling away to lead them to the bluff. “I scouted out this place yesterday. I was thinking we could take some test shots and see if they are close to your vision.”

“You are the artist,” Thomas says. “Just tell us what to do.”

Hours pass as I proceed to pose and guide the couple in a series of shots. They show me some of their ideas, which aren’t horrible, but I tweak them to give them a bit more pizzazz. However, I’m careful not to reenact my death fall. Eros comes in handy with his height, holding up the shade screens to soften theharsh light of the sun. He smiles absurdly wide when I comment about how quickly he’s picking up the assistant gig.

“I think we could use a lunch break,” I announce when I’ve exhausted myself by running all over to get every possible angle. “We can go over what I have on my tablet and pick out what will work for the sunset shots.”

“We know a magnificent spot to eat,” Vivian says.