Page 15 of Cupid's Last Arrow

What does he want from me? There is no way he wants me to have sex with him. Why would he? He could seduce almost any woman on the planet. At the restaurant, I witnessed how the women, and some men, reacted to him. Why is he undressing?There’s only one bed. This makes no sense—other than this is a game.

Or is this how he’s going to transfer the matchmaker's powers to me—through sex?

I just can’t fuck someone I don’t love. That isn’t in my nature. I don’t care if most people might call me ridiculous for not wanting to have sex with him.

I grab my suitcase and car keys on the dresser, and I rush out the door, heading for my car. I can sleep in it. It’s not like it’s cold out, and I have an emergency blanket in the trunk.

“Wait!” He catches my arm as I make it past the threshold. “I can’t let you go yet.”

I snatch my arm back with a quick jerk. “I’m not going to be your latest toy.”

“What do you mean?” Eros crinkles his forehead.

I indicate his naked chest and unbuttoned slacks, revealing a stupid sexy V pointing to his godly bits. My eyes can’t help but hover over that point. “You know.”

Eros glances down at his almost exposed nether regions. “Oh!” He shakes his head when he catches my meaning. “I wasn’t… I wouldn’t…”

“Have sex with me?” I finish for him. Stupidly, I feel rejected that hewouldn’tconsider me and then irritated at myself for my stupid assumption that he would want to. Of course a love god isn’t into me like that.

“Dee, I didn’t quite say that.” Eros corrals me back into the room. “I told you, I don’t force myself on anyone sexually.” He takes the suitcase from my hand and sets it down. “It’s an enormous bed. I thought we could share, but if that bothers you, I can sleep on the love seat or in the tub.”

I glance at the tiny couch that wouldn’t accommodate my smaller frame for sleeping properly. The oversized chair ismeant for a couple to get close while seated snuggly next to each other.

“I thought you were messing with me again and trying to push my buttons.” I watch for signs he is, but he appears innocent enough. I sigh when I don’t sense deception. “You don’t have to be uncomfortable. We can share.”

He smiles genuinely. “Thank you. I wasn’t looking forward to either option.”

I roll my suitcase into the bathroom to change. When I open it, I can’t find my pajamas. I can’t find half the things I packed. Instead, there are a bunch of new clothes.

“Eros! What is this?” I grab a silky, skimpy top and short shorts that I now assume are my pajamas and wave them in his face as he comes to see what I’m upset about.

“I thought you could use a wardrobe upgrade.” He shrugs as if that was a normal thing to do, hijacking someone’s clothes.

“Knock it off. The dress was one thing, since I didn’t have any fancy clothes to wear tonight, but don’t get rid of my stuff.”

“But it’s better,” he explains.

“I don’t care.” I curse under my breath. “I’m sure since you are a god, you think you can just push us mortals around, but it’s not cool. At all. You mentioned being partners before. Well,partnersdon’t pull crap like this, so either be honest that I’m just a plaything to you or don’t throw out my stuff and replace it with… this!”

“It’s not even that revealing.” He frowns, still not quite getting it.

What can I expect of a god?

“Not the point.” I spin on my heel and stomp back into the bathroom. I toss the silky jammies back in my suitcase, then I put on a T-shirt and leggings that he hadn’t tossed and march over to the bed.

He is already under the covers. His pants are draped over the chair with his jacket and shirt. I don’t want to know if he’s naked now. I carefully pull back the covers without exposing him.

I hug the edge of the king-sized bed, practically falling off the side. Reaching up, I turn off the light, then regret the darkness.

Eros seems to fall asleep right away, which calms my nerves. He isn’t trying to take advantage of me after all. I sigh in relief.

I guess it’s silly that Idon’twant to take a spin with a god of love and desire, but I don’t. My heart still belongs to Carl. It doesn’t matter that it’s unrequited love.

Then there’s the other embarrassing factor. I have only been with two men. I’m a greenhorn, and I can’t imagine that a seasoned, consummate lover like Cupid would enjoy my fumbling.