Page 94 of Cupid's Last Arrow

“Trew wuvgoddess to you.” She snickers, referencingThe Princess Bride—officially my favorite movie after that sexy moment with her on the couch.

“You want to return to Earth?” I pout. “Are you tired of our honeymoon already?”

“Honeymoon?” She arches an eyebrow and frowns. “Did I miss something? When did we get married?”

“Well, in many senses, we are married.” I search her face to make sure she’s okay with the idea of being my mate. “You have my arrow and my heart ring. You accepted my powers.”

“Oh, I just thought I was using you as a free, gorgeous model for my photos.” She shrugs with a sly smirk.

“What about using me for my incredible sexual skills?” I act hurt that she forgot that part. Although, I know she couldn’t forget the move I used on her last night.

Dee waggles her eyebrows. “Oh, yes, that too.”

I’m quiet, considering what to do to honor her. Dee was born human. I have to remember she isn’t like the gods who have the habit of just proclaiming marriage. She isn’t versed in all the craziness that gods take part in, so I will have to warn her about all of them and their customs.

Dee isn’t jaded about the world. That’s part of her pure heart—wounded yet a believer in love. I need to honor her properly, anticipate her desires, and remember the little things. She has already brought me so much joy, living through her experiences and making everything new again.

And itisnew, because I have love in my heart, and that filter changes how I see life and even my job as a love god.

“Would you like a marriage ceremony?” I ask.

“Uh…” She looks bewildered by the idea. “I wasn’t saying… I don’t need anything.”

“I have an idea,” I say as I teleport us to the bedroom.

Dee yelps with the suddenness of my decision.

“Wait, you want to be bonded with me, right?” I ask, worried that I pushed my love too fast. I fall to my knees and hold her hand with my ring on it. “Will you be my bonded mate?”

“Of course I will.” She caresses my cheek with her sweet, soft hands, looking at me like I’m being ridiculous in my insecurity.

Wow. The tables have turned. I really get why she has a hard time after so much rejection. I was never as brave as she was, not without an accidental arrow making me risk my emotions with Psyche.

Dee trails her fingers along my jaw. How can those fingertips feel like no other? How can she make me quiver with bliss every time she touches me? This is something I understood happened to humans, but I never experienced it for myself until now. Not even the arrow made me feel this way about Psyche.

“I meant that I didn’t need a big wedding with hundreds of guests,” Dee clarifies. “Not that I didn’t want to be with you, silly cherub.”

I sigh dramatically as a playful act, but inside, my nerves settle. Now that my heart is on the line, I understand why it’s so hard for humans to risk their own at times. It’s scary to think I could lose my love at any moment.

Dee kisses me and stares into my eyes. “I’m not going anywhere, love of my life.” She grins widely and then bounces excitedly.

I love watching her bounce. It makes me ache to have her bouncing on top of my cock and screaming my name.

“That’s one of my powers! I sense stuff about true love, like how you were worried just now about losing me.” She blushes. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to invade your privacy.”

“I’m an open book for you. Read away. If I get extra kisses out of it, the more the better.” I press my lips to hers again. “So who do you want to attend our ceremony? Just us? A few select people?”

“How do gods normally get married?” she asks.

“Usually, one of us would just announce we are bonded.” I shrug. “But you and I should do something more. We are the gods of love, after all.”

“But… I don’t want any of the other gods involved.” Dee’s gaze loses focus. “I’m cool with some of them, like the Fates and Hypnos, but I think I’ve had enough divinity for the time being.”

I nod sagely. “What about your family or Carl?” I ask.

I’m not a jealous god by nature, but I hope she doesn’t want Carl to be a part of our ceremony. I don’t like that Carl allowed Hermes to manipulate him into hurting Dee. Not to excuse my own stupid behavior, butI didn’tlead her on for five years just to ruin her.

“Can it just be the two of us?” she asks, biting her lip. I’m tempted to take that meaty flesh with my own teeth.