Page 5 of Cupid's Last Arrow

My body jerks to a stop, but it doesn’t feel like I hit the jagged rocks below. I’ve barely fallen a few feet.

Cracking my eyes open, I see ginormous white wings… and then I note they are attached to a beautiful man.

An angel?

He’s holding me flush against his muscular body, and his wings flap gently to keep us aloft.

I must have missed the part where I died—a lucky thing that I don’t have a memory of the pain.

“Deedra?” the angel asks like it isn’t the first time he has called my name.

“Yes?” I blink. Am I supposed to be polite? “Yes, Mr. Angel?”

He grins. “I’m far from an angel.”

“Then what are you? And what are you going to do with me?”

“I’m Cupid.”

I burst out laughing then quickly sober. Whether or not I die, he holds my soul in his hands, whatever he is.

“No offense, but why would the god of desire have a dead woman in his arms?”

“Youaren’tdead…” He glances down. “Not yet anyway.”

Is that a threat? My eyes narrow on him. “Are you the reason I fell?”

“No, but I could be the reason you don’t keep falling.”

“Sounds like you’re going to force me into a bargain for my life.”

“Good, you’re smart,” Cupid quips, but he has the decency to look ashamed of my guess. “It’s sort of a bargain, but not because I pushed you.”

“What do you want?” I ask, suspicious of his motives.

Suddenly, a cute twenty-something-year-old woman appears on the bluff, wearing sparkly pink clothes. Her blonde curls blow softly in the wind, and she’s chewing gum. Even with her innocent looks, I’m not fooled. She’s powerful.

The young woman shouts, “What do you think you are doing?”

“I’m allowed to poach agents too,” he snaps.

“What?” I shake my head. “What the hell is going on?”

“I was alerted to this death. It’s onmyturf,” the woman argues.

“Whoareyou?” I ask.

I’m dangling over a cliff, held aloft in a winged man’s arms, and they are arguing over me. I’m feeling a bit put out that allthis is going on when, just a moment ago, I thought I was going to die, and I might die any second according to… Cupid. This is insane.

Have I finally lost my mind? Am I in a coma?

“I’m an agent of death,” the pixie-looking woman says with all seriousness. “Cupid, you should know better than to mess withhim, not after what he did to another god who tried to encroach on his turf. Remember?”

“I have a legitimate claim on this one,” Cupid growls. “I mean to find out if she’ll work for me.”

“Claim?” I yelp. “Work for you?”

“Dante!” the woman hollers at the sky.