Eros nods sagely. “That clarifies more about your pure heart.”
“I wouldn’t call it pure.” I roll my eyes.
“Have you ever betrayed someone or used someone for sex?” he asks.
“Well, no, but…” I stutter. “Only because I have to like the person to be intimate with them, but it’s not like I’m a virgin.”
“No, you aren’t.” Eros moves closer, searching my eyes. His fingers brush a loose lock of hair back from my face, and he tucks it behind my ear. “I know if you were in love and felt safe, you would be a tornado of passion.”
“You can see that inside me?” I shake with nerves. Can he see all the fire I have in my heart, waiting for the right person to share it with?
“You can’t just like them, but you mustlovethem, don’t you?” Eros asks. “How many sexual partners have you shown that passionate side to?”
“I’ve had two partners. I can’t say I had unbridled passion with them though.” I flush pink at my answer. “I’m wildly inexperienced to be a matchmaker. I don’t understand why you want me for a job when I’m not even good at having my own love life.”
“Never mind that for now. I’m going to teach you about flirting and seductive touches.” Eros looks determined. “You’re going to try to grab Carl’s attention one last time, then you will either have your man, or you can move on.”
I lower my eyes to avoid Eros’s intense gaze.
“Hey,” he says, calling my attention back to him. When I look up, he asks, “Do you trust me?”
I gulp. That’s a big question. “I’m starting to.”
He nods as if that answer is sufficient. “Okay. If I’m going to be your boyfriend, I will be touching you and flirting. However, you don’t have to worry about me kissing you on the mouth.”
I frown. I don’t want him to kiss me, but I feel rejected nonetheless.
He shakes his head and continues, “Don’t take it personally. The act of pressing lips together is for you to seal your contract with me as my matchmaker.”
“I have tokissyou?” I ask with disbelief.
“Don’t sound so disturbed. I’m going to develop a complex.” Eros chuckles.
“I… I was just surprised.” I pat him on the chest to make sure he doesn’t think I’m being mean.
His eyes flick toward my gesture, then he takes my hand. “Time to see what Carl has in his heart.”
Dread fills me, I’m worried about discovering there’s absolutely nothing in it for me.
Eros practically drags me into the kitchen when I see Carl is already there. I want to cover my sexy outfit. Am I acting desperate?
“Good morning,” Eros says as Carl turns toward us.
He’s making some eggs, and I’m a bit hurt that he’s clearly making only enough for himself. Apparently, all rules are off, meaning that we aren’t sharing meals anymore. As I step out from behind Eros, Carl freezes when he sees my skimpy outfit. His eyes trail up and down my body slowly, taking in all my exposed curves.
Eros, seeing this, steps in front of me again to block Carl’s view. Weird, but maybe that’s part of this game.
“I didn’t catch your name last night,” Carl says gruffly, still trying to catch a glimpse of me.
“Eros Amara.” He brushes past Carl on the way to the fridge, pulling me along behind him.
“Eros?” Carl tests the name on his tongue. “That’s Greek, yeah?”
“Yes, my whole family is originally Greek.”
I almost choke with suppressed laughter. You could say that. I cover my face to hide my reaction to the humor in his statement.
Carl lunges forward and grabs my hand. “What the hell is this?” His mouth has fallen open, and he glowers at the enormous ruby ring on my finger.