Page 29 of Cupid's Last Arrow

Eros sobers at that comment, and his eyes dart over to take me in. He pins me with his amber gaze. The sign’s neon light limns his gentle but masculine features. He looks every bit otherworldly as the colors dance over his tan skin. His strong cheekbones catch the light and cut the darkness of the night.

“Don’t move,” I say, grabbing my camera from my oversized purse. I look at him again. “Can I take your picture? Is that allowed?”

“You can take a picture of me whenever you want, but why do you want to?” he asks.

I adjust my settings for the lighting and snap a couple shots of the light playing over his flawless skin and features. I focus on the dynamic outline of his face, then I show him the results on the display.

“That’s beautiful. Not me, well, yes, meandthe light.” Eros looks into my eyes. He’s so close with our heads pressed together to see the tiny screen that I suck in a breath at his proximity. His golden eyes search mine for something. “I love how you can capture the sublime in the perceived mundane.”

“You’re anything but mundane.” For some reason, I don’t pull away from Eros even when he’s so close. I smile, but I’m still stunned by his compliment.

“You are beginning to open up to me,” he says.

I gulp, unsure why that sounds so loaded. “Uh, should we go in?”

He breaks the intense staring contest and runs around to open my door.What is with his chivalry?It seems very odd that a god would go out of his way for a human, but then again, it’s beginning to feel like he’s courting me to accept his job offer. What will happen if I can’t accept it?

Why does it matter to him so much?

“Dee!” one of the servers, Gina, calls out to me as I enter, then she eyes the hunk of man-god coming in just behind me and gives him a thorough up and down. I don’t blame her. If I weren’t pathetically in love with Carl, I might do the same thing. Well, I wouldn’t be so blatantly obvious. At least she blanches when she realizes she’s checking outmydate.

I’m friendly with all the staff at Love Shack. However, Gina has become a good friend outside of the diner. Gina knows about my complicated situation with Carl. When she shows me to our booth, Gina catches my eye with a pointed look that questions who the new guy is.

I smile and mouth, “Later.”

She nods and places a menu in front of Eros, but not me. He frowns, obviously curious why I don’t get one.

“I know the menu by heart.” I shrug.

Gina hovers, likely trying to eke out as many details before she can interrogate me at a later time.

He beams at her. “I’m honored Dee shared her favorite place with me.”

“You should be honored.” Gina returns his warm smile. “Can I get you started on some drinks?”

“Iced tea for me,” I say.

Eros tells her, “Same.”

Gina hesitates for a minute, unable to stop taking in his good looks. If she doesn’t knock it off, I’m going to snap my fingers in her face to break the spell. I understand why women, and probably most men, drool over him. Not only is he extremely attractive, but he oozes charm. I wonder why I’m basically immune, but I suppose that is my way. I’m only attracted to someone I love and probably loyal to a fault.

Shrugging it off, I watch Eros study the menu with amusement on his face. As one of the other servers walks by, he eyes a plate of chili cheese fries that’s piled high like an architectural achievement.

“You weren’t joking about comfort food.” He chuckles. “How do you stay so healthy eating this stuff?”

“Yoga and hiking, but I don’t think I will be hiking for a while. It’ll remind me of my fall.”

“Was it that bad in the end?” Eros watches my reaction. “You met me because of it.”

“Well, I suppose you aren’t that bad, but yeah, near-death experiences sort of traumatize us mere mortals.” I frown as I gaze out the window in the direction of my house.

Gina pops up at the table’s edge before he responds. “Decide on what you want?”

“I have.” Eros’s voice rumbles with subtle sexuality, all while staring at me.

Gina blushes and looks close to an orgasm just from his words.

My eyes are wide with disbelief. It isn’t nice to play with humans like that, especially my friend.