We hurtle down the highway as my mind races. I have to get back to Emiliana, to Mikhail. But my father’s punishment awaits. My future is crumbling before my eyes.

I close my eyes and begin to pray silently.God, please keep Mikhail and Emiliana safe. Watch over my sweet girl and guard her from harm. Bring her back to me soon.I begin to cry, sobs choking me through the mouth gag.

My father’s eyes flicker to me in the rearview mirror, dark and unreadable. “You’ve given me no choice, Caterina. Runningaround with that Bratva scum, thinking you’re smart enough to keep his child from me.”

“I was trying to protect her!” My voice is muffled. My father motions at his men and they remove the mouth gag. “Emiliana deserves better than this life.”

He slams a fist on the steering wheel. “Better than her family? Her heritage?”

I shrink back, heart pounding. But I make myself meet his gaze. “She deserves love, Father. Freedom. Things I never had under yourprotection.”

His face twists, but he says nothing. The car slows as we near a sharp turn.

Now’s my chance. I lean forward, willing him to listen.

“You can still make this right. Let Emiliana and me go. Please.” I inject every ounce of love I still have for him into my plea. “Don’t take her innocence too.”

“You will go to Sicily and marry an Italian of my choosing. Emiliana will never know she was once part Russian.”

“You should have killed me years ago,” I sob. “I won’t. I won’t marry again, Father. I have a husband already.”

“That wedding was never registered, you foolish girl. You are free to wed. Tonight, you and Emiliana will get on a private plane and never return. Once you’re there, I will have Mikhail Zolotov and his entire clan of bastards killed.”

“No!” I cry out loud. “No, please. I did as you said. I’ve always done as you said. Please, Father. Let me and Emiliana find peace at last. Please don’t kill my husband.”

“Stop begging. Everything that is happening is because you decided to spread your legs for the enemy.”

I cry silently, knowing this is futile. I pray for Mikhail to find us, to keep us safe. If only I’d known my father hadn’t planned to keep his word, I would never have left the Zolotov car abandoned. I thought I’d have Emiliana back safely, if I could show my father I left no stone unturned to keep his name out of this mess.

“Emiliana…where are you having her taken?”

“To a safe house. Can’t have you both together now, can I? In case you two run off together and make your grand escape. But don’t worry, Caterina. She’ll be on the flight tomorrow.”

I’m alone, completely alone, forced to leave the country and wed another, while my father plans to murder the love of my life and all he holds dear.

However did I get here?

Chapter 21 - Mikhail

Ivan sits at the head of the conference room table, and I sit next to him, my fingers tapping against the polished wood surface. My thoughts are in disarray as we await an update.

“Any leads?” Ivan asks the men gathered around us.

“None yet, boss,” one of them answers, shaking his head.

Ivan lets out a heavy sigh. “Perhaps it’s time we attack the compound. It’s clear we haven’t been able to trace them.”

“Agreed,” I say, my jaw set. “We need to be prepared for anything, though. We can’t afford any mistakes.”

My mind buzzes with thoughts of attacking Caterina’s father’s compound. It’s risky, but it might be our only chance to find Caterina and get answers. Emiliana too, just a child, doesn’t deserve this trauma. I must ensure that little girl’s safety.

Suddenly, Sergei bursts into the room, interrupting our conversation. “Wait. There’s something you should know.”

“What is it, Sergei?” Ivan asks, impatiently. I don’t blame him. Sergei has often chosen inopportune moments to play a prank.

“Emiliana is Mikhail’s daughter.”

My heart stops beating for a moment. This feels like a gut punch. It can’t be true.