“As you wish.” I bend my head in front of our leader. My heart, however, is unwilling to find peace. Rage, confusion, and disbelief are at war with what I know, and I wonder—did Caterina truly never forgive me for leaving her? Is this the revenge she sought all this while?

Chapter 20 - Caterina

I grip the steering wheel tight, knuckles white, as I drive the sleek black Zolotov car down the deserted road. My heart pounds against my ribs, a frantic rhythm fueled by equal parts fear and determination. I have to do this to protect Emiliana.

The car’s engine purrs as I pull off the main street, tires crunching over gravel. I spot an abandoned warehouse up ahead, the perfect place to stash the car Mikhail will no doubt be tracking when the sun rises and he discovers me missing. As soon as I cut the engine, the silence rings in my ears. I slip out, glancing around warily. The coast seems clear.

I hurry down the sidewalk, shoulders hunched, moving briskly but casually. My flats click on the concrete. I keep my head down, not wanting my face caught on any cameras. The rental place is just a few blocks away.

The bell jingles as I enter. The bored clerk doesn’t even look up from his magazine as I walk to the counter.

“I need a car,” I say, my voice steady despite the anxiety coiling in my stomach.

He slides the paperwork over with a grunt. I fill it out quickly, my hands shaking only a little. I pay cash, no trail. The clerk passes me the keys wordlessly.

I breathe a small sigh of relief as I walk out to the dented blue sedan. No one followed me. Now to get Emiliana back.


I follow the pin sent to me by the robotic voice on the call from the encrypted number and pull up to the empty lot,glancing around warily. My heart pounds as I cut the engine and step out. This is it. The laptop case feels heavy in my hand, the weight of my daughter’s life.

A car approaches, headlights blinding. I shield my eyes, squinting. It comes to a stop and a tall, broad-shouldered figure steps out. My breath catches as he opens the back door.

There she is, my beautiful girl. The man nudges her forward. She stumbles, eyes wide and frightened.

“Mamma!” she cries. I start forward but the man holds up a hand.

“The laptop first.” His voice is flat, emotionless.

With trembling fingers, I hold out the case. He snatches it, peering inside briefly before tossing it into his car.

I reach for Emiliana, clutching her tight. “Oh, my sweet girl,” I murmur, kissing her hair. Relief floods me. She’s safe.

A sharp crack shatters the quiet. I whirl around to see my father striding forward, gun raised. No!

“Caterina,” he says coldly. “It’s never as simple as you think.”

Before I can react, the man seizes me, wrenching Emiliana away.

“No!” I scream hoarsely. “No, please!”

But my father’s face is stone. Emiliana shrieks, fighting the man’s grip.

My father comes and puts the gun to my temple, marches me to his car, and shoves me inside. The door slams, trapping me in darkness. I pound the window futilely as they drive away, my daughter’s cries fading.

Despair crashes over me. I’ve failed her. We’re both prisoners now, at my father’s mercy. I bury my face in my hands, sobbing. What have I done? Two men enter on either side of the back seat, imprisoning me in place.

Rough rope digs into my wrists as I struggle against my bindings. A cloth is stuffed in my mouth, muffling my screams. I thrash violently, but it’s useless. I’m trapped.

My father climbs into the driver’s seat, stone-faced. As the car speeds off, dread creeps over me. Where is he taking us?

“You’ve left me no choice, Caterina,” he says coldly. “I wanted to keep you safe, but you’ve betrayed the family.”

I shake my head frantically, pleading with my eyes. He hardens his jaw.

“How, you wonder?” he continues. “By fucking the son of my archnemesis and daring to fall in love with him. Your daughter has Russian blood in her, and I don’t like it one bit. It killed me all these years. Your betrayal killed me all these years. I’m sending you and the girl back to Sicily.”

No! I won’t let him control me anymore. Desperately, I work at the ropes binding my hands, but they won’t give. I slump in defeat.