A grand gesture, perhaps? But no, that would only serve to embarrass her and draw unwanted attention to our already precarious situation.

No, what I need is something more subtle, yet no less meaningful. A way to demonstrate my commitment to her, even if it means defying the expectations of those around us.

The image of her crestfallen face flickers through my mind. I never meant to cause her distress. Since we first met, I have only wished to shelter her, though she chafes at any restraint. Her fierce spirit is the one thing I admire most.

I stop before the window, gazing out unseeing. We have a complicated history, Caterina and I. The past cannot be undone, but the future is unwritten. I will ask nothing more of her than she can give. We shall take each day as it comes, together.

I nod firmly, decision made. I will be the man she deserves—loyal, patient, loving. With time and care, our fractured bond can mend stronger than before. But the first step is hers to take. I will wait, for as long as it takes. For Caterina, I would wait forever.

With that in mind, I know just what’s to be done.


I make my way downstairs, seeking out the housekeeper. “Miss Olga, I need you to prepare two additional bedrooms in the east wing, one for Signorina Caterina and one for Signorina Emiliana.”

Olga looks surprised but nods. “Right away, sir.”

As she bustles off, I feel a small weight lift from my shoulders. After last night’s revelation, giving Caterina space to accept her new reality is the least I can do. Emiliana will also need privacy.

I inspect the rooms myself later, ensuring they are freshly made up and stocked with necessities. I call Dima and send him pictures of Emiliana’s room, instructing that by tonight, I’d like a four-poster princess bed, fresh lilac wallpaper, and shelves for her toys installed in place. This room is too grown-up for a little girl. He’s resourceful under such deadlines, and I know he can make it happen.

For Caterina’s room, all is well, but I instruct that each cupboard and drawer be emptied. This entire space will be hers to do with as she pleases. Though it goes against tradition for the bride and groom to sleep apart once wed, Caterina’s comfort comes first. I will honor her wishes in this.

I’m just about done inspecting when Ivan calls. “Mikhail,” he rumbles into the receiver. “Where are you? Sergei went to your room and couldn’t locate you. We’re almost dressed.”

“Apologies, brother,” I respond curtly. “I’ll meet you downstairs in twenty minutes.”


Back alone in my chambers, I glance at the tailored black suit hanging neatly on the wardrobe. In a matter of hours, I will be a married man.

My heartbeat quickens at the thought. I have loved Caterina for over half my life, never believing this day would come. Fate has not made it easy for us, but we have another chance, if she will still have me.

I think back on our first meeting as children, her gap-toothed smile when I called her Bunny. The secret notes we passed at Sunday service so our families wouldn’t notice. Escaping into the vineyards where I stole my first kiss.

Those memories are distant stars now, but their light has never faded. My feelings have only grown stronger through the years apart. Whatever the future holds, I know Caterina is my destiny.

I straighten my tie, smoothing any wrinkles. I want to look my best today, for her. Now to still these nerves and prepare to meet my bride at the altar. My Bunny. My love, my life—soon to be my wife.


I take a deep breath, attempting to steady my nerves as I step out of the limousine. The grand doors of the cathedral loom before me. My brothers, Ivan and Sergei, follow me out of the car, their footsteps echoing on the stone steps behind me. My jaw clenches, my thoughts consumed by Caterina, while my brothers whisper heatedly out of earshot. They wonder fearfully if Caterina will be like her father, and pray she’s docile and compliant. I can’t voice my true feelings, not when they remain oblivious to my history with the woman I’m about to marry.

As I pass through the carved wooden doors, the vaulted interior opens up before me, adorned in shades of ivory and gold. White calla lilies decorate the ends of each pew, their delicate petals perfuming the air. Vanya has outdone herself on the venue. I look at her while I pass her seat in the first row, and she gives me the warmest smile. Her two kids sit on each side, clapping excitedly at the sight of me.

Regret lurches through my heart. I wasn’t around to watch my nieces grow up. I promise to make it up to them for time lost, to be there for Emiliana from the very start, the littlest new addition to our family.

I greet the priest at the altar and face the crowd. My pulse races, thundering in my ears. In mere moments, I will see Caterina again.

I wonder if she’ll smile as she walks down the aisle.

The pipe organ resonates the first chords of the bridal march, and all eyes turn expectantly toward the entrance. A hush falls over the room as the doors at the back of the hall slowly swing open, revealing the breathtaking sight of Caterina.

“Are you ready, brother?” Ivan asks, his voice steady, as he gives my shoulder a gentle squeeze.

I nod, unable to find words.

My breath catches in my throat as Caterina takes her first step, a vision in white lace and red silk. The way she’s incorporated that red cape makes her look regal.