My breath comes out ragged from my chest as I attempt the climb. I’m really not sure this was a good choice now. I don’t know if it was watching Renxel doing his climb that inspired me, or because I was feeling invigorated by the beautiful day, but I’m definitely starting to regret it.

The trail is much harder than I anticipated. It was laid down by the Kiphian mountain people who were born and bred for this environment, not for humans. There are times I have to haul myself up over rocks that I’m sure Renxel could just step across.

But suddenly I find myself at the top, and the view is definitely worth it.

Raising my hands in the air, I whoop for joy. “Yes!” I say. “Humans rule!” I’m elated with myself for making it all the way. There were several moments when I almost gave up and went back down.

I reckon it’s the ocean in the distance. I can see it so much clearer from here. I wonder how high up I am to be able to see all that way. I’m sure I can see where I used to live.

I find a rock to sit down on and eat the rest of my lunch. My water is almost out, but I’m sure I saw a stream on the way up here. I must remember to fill up on the way back down.

Feeling satisfied, I return down the steep path. It doesn’t take me long before I realize that it’s actually harder going back down than going up.

Several times, my feet go out from under me, and I slide down rock faces and shriek.Shit Mira, what have you done? What were you thinking, attempting such a difficult trail?

I slow my pace, but the chill in the air says the afternoon is wearing on now. The ascent must have taken longer than Irealized. Once again, I wish Renxel were by my side. I would feel safe with his strong athletic body helping me along.

My mind wanders back to the kiss. Maybe it could be a thing. Maybe I should open the door to him.

Suddenly, my feet slide out from under me.Fuck.I scrabble at the loose snow, trying to slow down my headlong descent.No, no, no.I’m frantic, grabbing at anything I can get my hands on but to no avail.

Eventually, a rock slows my fall and I manage to get my feet back under me. The action sends pain lancing up my leg.Oh shit, that hurts.

I sit on the floor, holding onto the rock and crying. I don’t think I’ve ever been so scared. People die in these mountains all the time.

When my heart stops clattering against my chest, I figure I should get going. I need to get back to the safety of the lodge before nightfall. I’m certainly not dressed to be out after dark in the mountains.

I stand up gingerly and try to put weight on my injured leg. Pain lances up through my body like fire. I feel a chill descend on me that has nothing to do with the dropping temperature.If I can’t walk, I’ll die out here.Fear grips my heart, and I try not to panic.

I slide my hand into my pocket to pull out my comm, but it’s not there. It must have dropped out in the fall. I stare back up the slope. Evidence of my reckless descent lies scattered in all directions. I even managed to uproot a small tree when I was grabbing at anything that might slow me down.

And then I spot it, there amongst the debris. I can see the corner of it sticking up from the snow. Relief washes over me, and I pull myself back up the slope on my hands and knees.

My fingers close around my precious comm, but I know instantly that I’m in real trouble. The thing is smashed beyond any hope of recovery.

Tears fill my eyes and flood down my face. The shock of the fall, coupled with the stark outlook of my situation boils up inside me, and I find myself sobbing uncontrollably.

A warm hand on my shoulder pulls me out of my despair.

“Hey, Mira. What happened?”

Renxel! I can’t believe it. Renxel is here at my side. His strong reassuring presence is a balm to my overwrought senses.

I almost can’t believe it’s true.



“Hey, steady, you’re going to be okay, I’ve got you,” I tell her, pulling her into a hug. I hold her tightly against myself, breathing in her scent again, now laced with a tinge of fear.

I don’t know what she’s doing out here. I tamp down my initial instinct to yell at her for being so reckless. This trail isn’t built for a human. What is she trying to prove? But I understand all too well how that feels. Needing to prove yourself, sometimes to no one at all, can lead you to do ridiculously dangerous things.

I’m just glad she’s okay and in my arms again.

“Oh, Renxel, I’m so glad you’re here. I can’t put any weight on my foot. I tripped coming down the trail.”

“I’m not surprised,” I say. “That trail’s marked as hard. That’s why I was doing it. I wanted something that would give me a challenge. You were lucky not to break your neck.”