“Why don’t we get some food?”


As we wait for our table, I think about what she said. Playing for fun? Not to win? But it was fun. And I could have won – she wasn’t lying, she’s terrible – but for some reason, I didn’t want to.

Well, no. I always want to win. Winning isn’t the most important thing, it’s the only thing. But if the person you’re competing against doesn’t care, well, it kind of wouldn’t count anyway.

But there’s something else, too. Something I don’t quite understand yet. There’s a spark in my chest when she smiles at me. At one point, she scratched on the fabric table and laughed so long, it made my chest sing. I’m finding myself craving that laugh. If she wanted to play for real, maybe…

Maybe losing to her wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.

I shake my head, dismissing that ridiculous thought. I’m happy enough simply enjoying my time with her. It doesn’t need to come to that.

We’re led to a tiny table tucked away in the back corner. The hostess points to Mira and then to one of the seats. She sits down automatically. I sit opposite her and realize my back is to the room.

“It’s practically a private room back here.”

She’s right, and I’m starting to think it was intentional. There aren’t many humans in the mountain villages and the higher up you go, the more set in their ways the Kiphians get. Fraternizing with humans is tolerated, but in some cases, only just barely.

I look back over my shoulder. No one will challenge me and my right to eat dinner with whoever I want. Some of my tattoos signify my noble lineage. Anyone who dares to comment will be swiftly humiliated by what is inevitably their lesser clan ties.

“Are you hungry?”

I realize I’ve hardly eaten all day. I’m not just hungry, I’m famished.

“I’m probably going to eat a lot.”

“Are you apologizing?”

“I guess.”

“Well, I don’t mind. I just get to taste a little bit of everything you get.”

“Why would you do that?”

“Because it’s fun, silly!”

She reaches across the table and punches my arm, very lightly. I grab her wrist. I could easily push her away, but I just hold onto her.

Her skin is soft and warm. She’s not as pale as some of the humans I’ve seen. Some of them look positively translucent. She has a warm, almost golden glow about her. Her hair is black as night – well, when the Skylights are not in season – and her eyes…

They are not quite green or brown. Right now, they are reflecting the small amount of light from the tiny candle on our table. When she smiles, it’s like the sun coming out, even in this dark corner.

We pick out several different starters.

“Oh, try this one, it’s so good.”

She holds out her fork to me. The bit of meat on the end of it is glistening with the succulent sauce. I let her pop it into my mouth.

“Wow. That is really good.”

It’s one of my mother’s favorites and hence something I would never order for myself. I take one of my large green chips and scoop up some of the creamy topping it came with.

“Here, you’ll like –”

The dehydrated leaf cracks. Half of it falls to the table with a soft plop. Mira looks down, and I can see her suppress a smile. She grabs my hand and closes her mouth around my fingers.
