“Come on,” she says. “We’d better get back. I’ve got to get ready for tonight's shift at work.”

Reluctantly, I follow her back up the winding path. There is a cold wind blowing up the valley, and I offer her my coat.

“Thank you,” she says, gratefully accepting. “It’s freezing up here when the sun goes behind the mountain.”

“Yes, you should always bring more layers than you need. The mountains can be fickle and treacherous. I’ve started out in beautiful sunny weather before, and it’s turned into a snowstorm by lunchtime.”

“It must be amazing to know the mountains so well. I was born in the lowlands and dreamed of moving here my entire life. But I think I’ve got more to learn about the weather conditions here.”

I have an overwhelming desire to be around and teach her everything I know, but I wonder how realistic that desire is. My life forces me to move around so much.

We talk about inconsequential things all the way back to the resort. It feels good to just be me for a while. My whole life feels like a front sometimes. Like I’m living in a hidden space behind my eyes.

I realize that Mira is the first person to actually see me. Most people just see this great sporting hero. I like the relaxed feeling I get around her.

“Maybe we can do this again sometime,” I suggest when we get back. “I had fun today.”

“Me, too,” she admits, smiling up at me.



“Ishould probably get back. My shift is about to start.”

“Okay. Do you want…”

Renxel doesn’t finish his sentence. He’s looking off in the distance. I turn my head. All I see is a couple of Kiphians.



“Nothing, come on.”

It’s hard for me to keep up with him. His legs are so much longer than mine. As we reach the front door and go inside, it occurs to me that on the hike, he was walking at what probably felt like a very slow pace to him.

That’s kind of sweet,I think. He didn’t really need me to show him. The trails are well marked. They have to be, too many tourists think they’re mountaineering experts. Although the Kiphians will tell you the blazes are just for the humans. Kiphians are built for the mountains, but anyone can get into trouble fast if they get off the trail.

I smile at him as he opens the door to the inn, but he doesn’t notice. He’s busy scowling off in the distance.


“Don’t you need to get back to work?”

“You’re right,” I snap back at him, mimicking his all business, and slightly nasty, tone. “I do.”

“Look, I’m sorry.”

I shake my head and storm off behind the desk. I go into the back room to clock in and get my name tag. When I come back out to the lobby, Renxel is talking to a couple. They’re the Kiphians I saw in the distance. Up close, I can see that they are a male and female.

“I can’t believe you came into town and stayed here.”

The woman’s eyes swivel around the room, landing on me. I stand up a little straighter, but inside I’m shaking. Kiphians are so much bigger than humans that sometimes you just can’t help but be intimidated. Especially when one is glaring at you with very obvious disdain.

I’m more relieved than I care to admit when she turns away from me and back to Renxel.

“Are you going to answer me?”