Page 96 of Wicked Little Lies

But that doesn’t make sense.

I might be wrong.

I don’t think so.

With shaky hands, I shove the photo in my pocket. I don’t know who the woman is or why she has it on or what the fuck it means.

“Hendrick, I can start staking out the Gimbonis, see—”


“No?” I look at him. “Why not?”

He sighs and slides a hand against my cheek. I lean into it. “The Gimbonis ruled over where you grew up. I ousted them after I killed Rodgers. I’m not a favorite. Fucking Jac shut down some gambling ring on his turf that some Gimboni and Kincaid lesser family members started, so he’s not popular. And all the Quinate turned against the Kincaids. I know Jac thinks it’s the Kincaids and he’s probably right, but people who have grudges…keep away from.”

I twist my mouth up. “I’m not good with orders.”

“Cat, listen, don’t go near either of these families. Bad fucking news. There are criminal groups that want Kincaid’sbusiness, no matter how vile. I don’t want you poking about. Wait until we get information on the ring, and wait until Jac and I unravel this. We’re going to make sure you don’t end up having to finish the job. Because no one who hides like this is up to any good.”

I’m about to get into it when my phone buzzes.

It’s Harry. Right on time, like she’s got a psychic connection.

Got info on the ring. And something else. It might be the last piece. Come when you can.



Do I trust Cat? Fuck no. I didn’t stop her when she left. Instead, I stay down here and kept looking through the files, quickly losing track of the time.

I didn’t lie when I told her what I did with that girl. I lied by omission about what I heard. The Gimboni connections and the Kincaid connections claim Jac’s in secret talks. That he wants to take over the Quinate. I don’t believe them, but I keep an open mind.

I can’t get into the vault, and I think Jac and I are going to have to bring this to the table at the upcoming Quinate meeting. I was hoping to get this dealt with before it came to that. But if there’s a chance someone might start coming for all of us, we need to talk.

No one wants a war. The Quinate is there to deal with that.

But there’s something about the jewels, something someone’s gotten twisted. Or it’s a cover to try and pit me and Jac against each other to…what? Kill each other? I’m not sure why? Or maybe someone wants revenge for something I can’t work out. There’s no point to that with Quinate. No one is safe,not other Quinate, not some rich fuck. No one. Mess with us and your family and friends are gone. We kill them.

Nothing buys a seat.

We have safety nets.

So, I can see the kidnapping being somewhat smart, but ultimately, Jac and I will kill them.

We hate each other, but I’d trust Jac with my life when it comes down to an us versus whoever hurt Cat.

Lifting a hand to her was their biggest mistake.

That got two dead. It’s just a matter of time before we get the rest.

If they touch her again…

I’ll fucking burn the world. And Jac will bring the high-octane fuel.

There are files down here, and I’m downloading them. The download’s been done for a while, so I take my USB stick and collect the photos I want, put back the rest, head upstairs, and lock the door.

Then I go utterly still.