Page 71 of Wicked Little Lies

“Yes, I fucking do.” His gaze drops to his drink a moment. “We’re shrouded in myth, legend, what the fuck ever. And a good old tale someone’s dug up just might fit with their imaginings of what goes on.”

Or think it’s enough to maybe…I don’t know. Turn the others against us, garner an in?

“Any of the others said anything?” I ask, spotting Fiona.

“I don’t think they’ve been approached,” he mutters. “I don’t know. I don’t have fucking afternoon tea with them. It’s fucking business and business masquerading and social events.”

“Look after her.” I straighten, nodding to Fi who raises a brow at me from across the room.

“Only because it suits me.” He eyes me with dislike. “Don’t mistake this truce for me liking you.”

“Wouldn’t ever think that, Jac,” I say and then I go to get Fiona.

I don’t see Cat, which doesn’t fill me with anything like ease. At least, as Jac saunters past me, I know I’m leaving her in capable hands. He’ll protect her.

I ignore the voice that whispers who’ll protect Cat from Jac.

It’s something I know I’ll be confronting Jac about in the coming days. It’s on the horizon…but one fight at a time.

“You look all dark and stormy,” Fiona says as I slide an arm around her waist.

“Been missing you.”

Her smile says everything. “Your pants are smoking hot, Hendrick, and I’m not talking about your sex appeal.”

I laugh and join her in the conversation at hand. The man’s a politician, one with ties to the Quinate, and the one who oversees the district where Cat grew up, which means he’s probably got Gimboni ties.

His gaze skitters over me even as he keeps the conversation empty and pleasant, but I get the feeling he’s aware I’ve taken over that part of town, ousted Gimboni control and whittled their influence down to smaller, lesser territories.

He knows. It’s there, like a snake beneath the politician polish.

We make our goodbyes, which take longer than I’d like. After feeding the mayor the twisted truth that I have other appointments early, we finally make it out the door and to my car where Damon stands, door open, face perfectly blank.

“You know,” Fiona says, gaze straying to him as he gets in and shuts the door, “he’s going to try to set up meetings to see you.”

I consider her words, carefully keeping my thoughts from Cat. “I didn’t know you were keeping up on political shit.”

“Hard not to when the streets in that part of town are cleaned up and it’s clear it isn’t because of the current representative’s work.” She shrugs. “He’s old money, likes to attend all kinds of events, and I know him through my father.”

More old money.


“Your average politician, more interested in the kickbacks and glitterati than serving his community.” She accepts a drink that Damon silently hands her from the small minibar in the back of this limo.

The action isn’t lost on me, nor is Damon’s dark look he sends my way that I ignore. I pull out my phone and send the driver a text to the destination I want.

“How corrupt?”

“He took Gimboni money from what I hear,” she says, turning the glass as she crosses her legs opposite me.

Damon’s eyes keep straying to those fine legs. Not that I blame him. She’s spectacularly built.

“But?” I ask because there’s one.

“But…” Fiona sighs. “I just think he’s your average fat cat, but not overly corrupt.”

“Just inept. Good to know.”