Page 65 of Wicked Little Lies

“We can’t steal it off her.”

I look at him, and a wave of lust hits me so hard, I almost come. “You can’t, but I can.”

I take off with Jac following.

When I’m close enough to get a good look at the necklace, I stop. It’s a bitter disappointment that sinks into my bones, but one that comes with a perk in the shape of a gorgeous dark-haired woman who looks a little familiar.

The necklace is a replica, worth a bomb, but I can tell from the newness of it. The mayor isn’t trying to hide the fact it’s not the real one, and I’m immediately interested as the dark-haired woman air kisses the mayor.

“Fiona! So pleased you could make it,” Mayor Malone purrs. “I took up your recommendation on that new restaurant on South Fifth.”

“Good, isn’t it?” Fiona says in a warm voice. “My date convinced me this would be a great evening, so I took time out of work.” Her voice drops. “By the way, Agnes, that’s a gorgeous piece.”

“This? This one’s a replica. The stones are real, but the original’s so old, I want to get it reset before I wear it…” Agnes Malone places a hand against her heart as Jac presses a drink into one of mine, guiding me to look up at him. “And please tell me you came with Hendrick Agnossio? Your ex is a stud.”

I stomp on Jac’s foot as he goes to make a scathing comment. He doesn’t need to speak for me to guess what he’s about to do.

Then the mayor’s gaze hits on Jac. “Speaking of hot…Jac, how are you?”

Jac’s roped into the conversation, and I do what I do best—I slide away into the shadows, even though something in me hurting.

Fiona. She’s older, but she’s the young woman in those photos we found of Hendrick and Lili. The girlfriend before Lili. Of course, he’s still in touch. He’s probably still sleeping with her.

My stomach twists.

It takes a while but…the mayor’s words finally register.

Hendrick’s here, yet he hasn’t made an effort to come over. I’m vaguely aware of how pathetic I’m being, a neediness that’s selfishness personified, but I can’t help it.

How can it not be enough to have one man? Why do I need both of them? Greed?

Something’s shifted inside even though my goals remain the same. I’m not here with them for the long haul. I can’t be.

I force my head back to the game with its deadly, ticking time bomb.

I send the bracelet photo to Harry with a warning to be careful. She knows our code.

Right now, I have to be careful because I’ve only got the burner, but I know she’ll be on that photo, researching. That, she can do from her place. She doesn’t respond, but I don’t expect her to.

I tuck the phone in my bag.

What I need is to work out how to get the necklace. Not the replica around her neck, but the real one. I need to find it. The mayor mentioned wanting to get it fixed. So it is here somewhere or she has already sent it out. If she sent it then it’s just a matter of finding out where. A specialist in that sort of craftsmanship. Harry’ll be able to help. And—

Suddenly I go still as my blood starts to heat, and I look up.

Hendrick. He’s magnificent in charcoal and lavender, an almost purple black silk tie. His gaze rakes over me, and it’s fire and smoke.

“Cat.” He picks up my hand and kisses the inside of my wrist, running his tongue lightly over my skin, making me shiver like I’m being licked by flame. He looks at me. “Jac left you in one piece. Impressive.”

“Your girlfriend’s working the mayor for you.”

His grin flashes with wicked intent. “Fiona is a marvel, isn’t she? But I think she’s into Damon. I know he’s got the hots for her.”

Hendrick pulls me into his arms and takes me to the dance floor, swaying me against him in the most elegant of dirty dances. I wind my arms about his neck and rub slow against his erection.

“Dirty fucking little Cat.” He pauses. “Marking your territory?”

“Isn’t that what you did by placing me in your Millionaire’s Way pad?”