Page 167 of Wicked Little Lies

“I’m going to make you pay…” He starts to fuck me deeper, fingers curling up.

Closing my eyes, I give over to Jac’s administrations, and I’m hovering on coming, the hat almost slipping from my head.

“Now that’s a fucking sight to see.” Hendrick’s velvet sandpaper voice caresses me like a phantom touch.

My eyes snap open while Jac keeps fucking me with his fingers. “Get here, man,” he says. “Feel this fucking cunt. It just keeps getting better.”

Hendrick comes over. He’s in a dove gray and white cotton shirt and tan shorts, and the relaxed, sun-kissed look is pant wettingly hot on him.

If I wore pants.

If I wore clothes.

Okay, I wear clothes, but not when I’m around them.

At home, in the house they built for us to share, I’m usually always naked. Except for jewels. They love dressing me up in sparkly expensive things while having the access to my body when they want it, and I love to be available to my men.

In Delacroix City, on this island, we create our world. I’m their queen and their subject. They’re my kings and my filthy, dirty disciples.

I pull Hendrick to me and kiss him.

When he pulls back, he says, “Up.”

I stand and Jac follows.

“Cat, we’ve been together a year and…fuck, I’ve never been happier, even living in the same place as this asshole.” Hendrick laughs as Jac glares daggers his way, but then focuses back on me. “I love you, with everything I am.” Pulling out a small box from his shorts pocket, he flicks it open to reveal my locket.

At first, I’m confused—I had taken off my locket not long ago and left it in the room. But when he unclasps the chain, slides off his gold ring, and threads the chain through, my eyes prickle.

Then Jac takes it next and clears his throat. “I’m not fucking good at this, MG. I’ve been in love exactly once. With you. And things get better all the time. You have whatever passes as my heart.”

Hendrick rolls his eyes, but I can’t stop smiling.

Our relationship may be seen as weird to some people, but for us, it works. We’re better together. Our strengths, our weaknesses… we balance each other out. I love them both. Fiercely. I’m more in love with them now than ever before.

Jac reaches pulls off one of his silver rings and he adds it to the chain. Then he drapes it around my neck and clasp it.

The rings are simple, one gold, one silver. Not flashy at all, so they go perfectly with the ring I have already on the locket. The one that was once my mother’s.

It’s a powerful symbol of the three of us being together.

The locket’s the key, the rings our pledges of love, and they’re naming me the keeper of that love and their hearts.

It’s a role I’ll cherish forever.

Tears gathering in my eyes, I touch the necklace, then put my hand on both their cheeks. My knees tremble at the love reflected on their faces. Ineverthought I could have love like this. Let alone have it twice.

“Boys,” I say, smacking their cheeks playfully. “I hate to break it to you, but I’m only here because I feel sorry for you.”

“What!” Jac fakes outrage and reaches for me, but I slip through his grabby hands.

“Catch me if you can.” I take off across the beach, my sunhat catching on the breeze. I make it about ten steps before they both tackle me in the sand.

The giggles give way to kisses, which soon progress to intense touches and moans full of desire and love.

As I kiss Jac and then Hendrick under the blazing island sun, I can’t help but think there’s nothing that can compare to this. Not even stealing the Heart of Dark Desires.


This is fuckingpriceless.