Page 144 of Wicked Little Lies

“Against the wall and assume the position.”


He growls low. “Bag on the floor, hands on the wall, feet apart. Do it.”

It’s no more than a minute that I have to wait after the invasive pat down. Thank fuck Vicky refused to give me a gun—something about orders from Jac. Because I’d have had to hide it up my vagina to get it in.

The man touched me everywhere.

And the creepiest part? The most invasive thing? It was impersonal.

It sounds like it would be more invasive if someone wanted to cop a feel, but I’ve found the times I’ve been checked over that the more interested they are, the more it’s about illicit thrills for the man and less about checking everything.

The amount of tools I’ve managed to bring in to places like that’s astounding.

Not this time.

“The pretty little robber.” The man who grabbed me at the party appears, and my stomach turns. The connection of memory burst with his presence that I didn’t recall before. A hand on my breast, the sliding between my thighs as he moves me when I’m out of it from whatever drugs they gave me.

He got caught, another sudden flash. A voice I don’t know suddenly comes to me, telling him do that again, and he’ll die.

Thing is, I don’t like that voice. Even if it stopped him molesting me.


I take a breath and sidestep the memories. They don’t help. They’re a byproduct. That’s all, and they muddy things.

“I’m a jewel thief. There’s a difference,” I tell him.

He ignores me and takes the bag from me. “This way,” he says.

My stomach drops as we head down a set of stairs into a basement I know.

It’s where they had me chained.

But this time, I’m not alone.

There are other men in here.

The pull of the magnets is so overwhelmingly strong that I almost fall to my knees.



They’re on the ground where I was, hands behind their backs.

The look on their faces is deadly intent and fury, and they both aim that at me, those almost identical looks.

One light, one dark. Two sides to my favorite coin.

They make up my other half, I realize.

And I want to cry.

I can’t have them, not even if we get out of this. If I do, I’ll have to walk because, no matter how much I want it to, our situation will never work. I need come to terms with that and stop thinking about this shit. About magnets and a happily ever after with them. That’s just not in the cards for me. Ever.

“I brought the jewels,” I say. I try to look anywhere but at Hendrick or Jac and find another tall man with graying hair lingering in the back corner of the basement. I hadn’t even seen him standing there when I’d come down. “Who’s in charge? You?”