Page 142 of Wicked Little Lies

I grit my teeth, the old anger rising, and I fight it down. “Who else?”

“He was Quinate, no one would dare.”

“Except me, the one who could retaliate and get off the hook because I wasn’t quite Quinate, and neither were you. And then when we were…”

“Yeah, fucker, I know the rules. We can’t kill each other.” He’s silent. “If it wasn’t you, who the fuck set it up to look like you so they wouldn’t get caught?”

“Good question,” Kincaid says, having descended when Jac was talking. “No idea what you’re on about, but good question. And I’ve just the person here who has the answers. The next Quinate member to take over for one of you assholes.”

“Who?” I ask, looking up.

Someone descends the steps heavily and comes into view.

“Jac. Hendrick.” Francis Gimboni says, the one who Jac stifled in his attempts to set up a gambling ring. And the Gimboni who got kicked out of downtown where Cat grew up. Who I turfed out of power. “Surprise.”

“Who are you?” asks Jac, and I think he means it.

Gimboni glares. Looks at me. “The jewels are on their way.”

Oh no. My heart plummets.

Jac’s too because his eyes are wide with panic as they swing my way. “Fuck.”




This place gives me a sticky, creepy feeling, and déjà vu rocks me.

Both trackers are back at Harry’s apartment. I don’t want them knowing I’m here early. Even the tiniest element of surprise might help.

I made Ben drop me and Harry off around the corner, and he’s under strict instructions to take Fiona to Damon. Right now, I’m sure both Damon and Carlos are being informed where I am.

If Jac and Hendrick are out and about, they’ll know soon. And probably try and stop me.

I shut the thought down as Harry takes my arm. “I should go in, too.”

“No. I need someone to keep watch and follow if they take me somewhere.”

Her baby blue eyes are bleak, and she shoves her dark curls out of the way. “And if they hurt you?”

“They won’t,” I say with more conviction than I feel. “They want the jewels.”

“I’m giving you ten minutes.”

“Half an hour.”

Her eyes narrow. “Fifteen.”

“Vicky’s getting Carlos. She’ll be back for you.” I hoist the bag that contains a mix of originals and fakes, and I’m hoping there isn’t an expert in there, just waiting to get their hands on these.

A car just took off, and I think it was one of the Quinate. So it’s the right place.

I keep that fact to myself. Harry’s already on edge. I wouldn’t put it past her to lose her shit, Harry-style and try to knock me out or tie me up to get me out of here.

“They’re coming as back up, Lena,” she says. “I really don’t think you should go in there.”