Page 131 of Wicked Little Lies

You need to come here asap. Got the earrings, and the fucking Heart of Dark Desires.

That lights a fire under me.

Of course, there’s a car, and Ben, the driver, is waiting. I smile tight and get in. It’s not a long ride and it’s pretty late, the moon high, but it seems to take forever.

At Harry’s in midtown, I pick the lock and hurry up to her apartment. She swings the door open, and I go to demand answers when a movement catches my eyes.

I stop dead.

A tall, slender, bombshell of a woman steps into the light.


Hendrick’s ex.

“What the actual fuck?”



Someone shakes me awake, and I’m greeted by the unpleasant sight of Agnossio staring down at me.

He’s in a fresh, boring suit, his hair curling a little from his shower.

“Get ready,” he says. “We’ve got shit to do.”

Usually, I don’t sleep heavily but clearly, I did. I glare at his departing back, his phone to his ear as he talks to someone.

When the fuck did MG leave? I should have noticed her getting up and going. Fuck, I should have noticed him getting up.

I don’t bother with covering up as I make my way around the room to get dressed. Then I stop, staring at the bed.

The fucker slept in it. And so did I. Together—sort of—with MG in the middle until she left.

This is getting fucking weird.

There’s a computer on the bed and a mug on the nightstand. But I shower and then dress, picking my least favorite suit. It’s as boring as Hendrick’s.

Okay, the guy’s not as boring as I thought, but how MG could want him as much as me is laughable. He’s not pierced or inked up and he’s way more into settling down than me.

The relationship with Lili tells me that.

The anger throbs, and it somehow settles the weird equilibrium in me.

“Why does she want you? We’re more alike than you and her,” I say when I reach the kitchen and make some coffee.

Hendrick’s at the dining table writing something down. “What are you going on about, Jac?”

“MG. I don’t get it. She’s more like me than like you. I don’t get it.”

He huffs and shakes his head. “There’s bigger fucking fish, Jac. Focus on the game.”

“Multitasking, dickwad.”

His gaze hits me. “Nervous?”

“No.” I take a sip of the coffee. The jewels she stole…more specifically, the ones she didn’t need to steal but did anyway, are on spread out on the table before him. “Just uneasy.”