“Can we begin?” Hendrick asks. “Please?
Jac looks about sipping his drink, and like he’s got all the time in the world, chooses a seat. He sits and waves a hand. “Go on.”
“Fuck you’re a child, Jac.” Hendrick rolls his shoulders.
A horrible thought hits me. Are they going to end it with me? “What—”
He cuts me off. “Jac and I had a talk after I left the photography studio. You want us, and we both don’t want to lose you. So, we came to an understanding.”
I take a swallow of my drink, heart battering my ribs.
Hendrick meets my gaze. “We want to share you.”
“Share…?” I sound like an idiot.
“Share,” Jac says.
“You, me, him. You want one to watch, he’ll watch. You want both of us touching you and fucking you,” Hendrick says, “we’ll do that. Here.”
I stare from one to the other.
“This place is neutral. A safe zone of sorts. Jac and I are the only ones other than you who have access to this floor,” Hendrick says. “This apartment.”
“You’re serious?” I almost wobble where I stand, and I swallow more of the drink. I don’t even taste it. I just need to do…something.
“Very,” Hendrick says. “If you just want to sleep with us, we can do that, too.”
“My idea,” Jac mutters.
“And…what…what if I just want you, Hendrick? Or you Jac?”
They exchange a look.
“Not choosing for good,” I correct quickly, “but if I want a night with one of you, or if it happens, what then?”
“That’s fine.” Hendrick nods at Jac. “But we want to give you what you want. Us at the same time.”
Jac stands, takes my drink, and spins me around, sliding his fingers over my breasts. “Here, we’ll show you.”
Her pulse flutters. Right at that spot on her throat, and I kiss it, look at her, then at Hendrick.
I’m not going to lie. The hunger that borders on feral in his dark eyes as he watches me touch her makes my dick fucking twitch. Not him. He’s not the turn on; it’s the way she melts, the scent of her that’s fresh and sweet and a little bit dark and twisted that does it. Her nipples push at the thin silk of the dress we picked. He can see all that, and he knows it’s from my hands on her.
It’s why I like Carlos watching, beyond my amusement factor.
There’s power in being watched, of having someone want your toy, of seeing how you bring that warm, soft thing into a needing, writhing thing ready to do any fucking depraved thing you ask.
“I’ll even let fucking Hendrick watch.”
MG whimpers.
I bury my mouth at her ear and say so soft, there’s barely any sound, “That’s not a joke, MG. I’ll let him watch while I fuck theliving shit out of you. Ruin your holes, make you want to belong to me.”
I slide my free hand up her thigh, taking the dress with me and showing him the tiny whisp of panties we selected.