Page 103 of Wicked Little Lies

“My mansion and yours are viable if she wants to go there, but not for her to stay full time. I’ve put her up—”

“Your place on Millionaire’s Way?” He frowns.

“Lili’s been dead ten years, Jac. There aren’t ghosts there.” I shift on the sofa, sip my drink. “Back to you, me, and Cat.”


“Magdalena.” I raise a brow. “There’ll be times she wants us both, or one on one, or to be watched.”

“Not my jam to share in the first way, but okay. Yeah.” He stands. Then he makes a gun with his hand and points it at me. “You get to tell her.”

“We should be together.” I get up.

“I’m not wearing your fucking class ring.”

He’s a fucking asshole. “Your role as big man’s intact, you dickwad.”

“We should do it here.”

“Don’t fucking try and change the rules.” I shake my head. “Millionaire’s Way.”

He frowns.

“My apartment’s more neutral, and I mostly use it for sleeping when I’m working late. I don’t live there.”

“You don’t live at the mansion, so—”

“Jac.” It’s a warning. I’m not interested in this game.

“Fine. Let me know when and where. I want access though. Full.”

“Granted.” It’s easy enough to do. And it can work for us as HQ for working all this other shit out. “It goes both ways on this. Or should I say three ways.”

Jac nods slowly but doesn’t say anything. My phone buzzes. In the quiet, it’s audible, and he looks at me. “Not answering it, Jac. If it’s Cat, she’ll also try you. So will Damon since he knows where I am. Do we have a deal?”

“We have a deal.” He gets up and starts to pace again. “Share the girl and when she chooses one of us—”

“She might choose neither.”

“Perhaps,” he says, “but then we’re back where we started…better because we’ll have dealt with the other problem of who took her and is also trying to get into the Quinate.”

“Or is trying to take us out by using us against each other.”

“Whatever.” He waves a hand in the air. “We’ll be where we started but better. If she chooses…”

“Then the loser walks away.”

“From Delacroix City.”

If I lose, I don’t want to be in this town anyway. I can set up elsewhere. Same with Jac. I suspect he doesn’t want to be here if he loses, either.

“Deal,” I say, getting up, holding out my hand.

He shakes it. “Deal.”