Page 99 of Wicked Little Lies

I unleash inside her, my cock jerking violently as I come.

In the aftermath, I slide my hand about her waist and pull her naked form up and into my almost completely closed one. I stroke a hand over her breasts and then rest that one between her perfect handful tits.

Kissing her nape, I shudder, and she’s just soft and melted and whimpering.

“Hendrick…” she whispers.

“Yeah. I know.”

It’s love. It’s hate. It’s need and want and all the things we can’t have.

Something changed when I took her. I don’t know what, but it’s there, singing soft around us, and she leans back into me.

Thing is, I fucking love her. I don’t see a future, but if I’m lucky, she just might stay a while. Either with me or Jac.

She wants us both.

And I know what I have to do.

I kiss her again. “Make sure the alarm’s set, Cat.”

“Where are you going?”

I ease out of her, and she half collapses, but then she finds that Magdalena strength and sits up.

I stand. “I need to see a man about a thing.”

Jac answers the door and glares. “What?”

“We need to talk.” I straighten the cuffs of my shirt. I had gone home to shower and change before coming to his place to see him.

“No, we don’t.” He’s sweaty, in low slung boxing shorts, and is taking off MMA training gloves.

“Yes,” I say, “we do. Invite me in, Miller.”

“Are you a vampire?”

“Unlike you, I have manners.”

“I have fucking manners, when I want to use them. If you want MG, she left.”

“I just saw her.”

He runs an eye over me. “She wouldn’t put out? Not fucking shocked, after all she rode—”

“Don’t call your dick the Jac fun stick or fuck stick. Do you even know how unbelievably immature that makes you fucking sound?”

“You came to tell me you fucked her again?” He’s going for bored nonchalance, but I hear the anger.

I sigh. “Fuck, Jac, I came to talk about her. We need to figure things out.”

“Do we?”

“Yes. Or we’ll both lose her.”

A muscle moves in Jac’s jaw, but then he steps aside. “I’ll be back.”

He disappears up the stairs, and I go through to the great room. There’s a study somewhere, but this is better. Usually I keep away from his mansion. It holds memories; it has pieces of Lili. And…he’s redone it all, but she’s part of him, part of our shared fucked up history.