He closes the limo’s door and the locks clicks on. The front door open and shut. And then the car pulls away.
I growl and close my eyes, leaning back against the head rest.
Assholes. All of them.
I’m not sure if I’m furious or curious when I get out Hendrick’s Millionaire’s Way building. Damon sees me to the elevator, and I savagely punch the button until it closes.
They’re up there together. I know it. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have sent the odd couple tag team of Damon and Carlos. I’m working myself up to start the biggest brawl I can, and maybe then I can fuck one and then the other before I go stomping self-righteously off into the moonlight.
Because I’m not staying here tonight.
Fuck them.
Which I’m planning on. Fucking them.
What’s wrong with you?I ask myself. It’s like I haven’t spent hours coming, being flung about, fucked. I want more.
I’m greedy.
It’s like they’re a drug, and I’m addicted and hate it at the same time. Hatethem.Lovethem. Wantthem.
Fuck. I’m a mess.
The elevator dings, and I stop dead.
This is Hendrick’s place, but not as I know it. The main room flickers with golden candle light and there’s something in the air that smells so good. I’m not hungry, but there’s food and…music?
“Did I change my name to Alice and fall down the rabbit hole?” I whisper.
Jac appears in cream and black.
I glare at him. “What the fuck are you? The white rabbit?”
Hendrick walks out from the kitchen. He’s in charcoal and amber.
Staring at him, I say, “The only two characters I remember are the Mad Hatter and the Cheshire Cat.”
Hendrick doesn’t smile. “This isn’t Wonderland. We just had a talk.”
He hands me a drink, and I almost sway into that heady Hendrick scent. Then I glance at the glass as he steps back. It’s a cocktail that’s a soft lavender color, and smells like gin and spice and bergamot.
I take a sip. And then glancing from one to the other, I pretty much swallow it down.
Christ, they look impeccable in their three-piece suits, ready for the most highbrow of events and…
“I’m not…dressed.”
“We can fix that.” Hendrick leads me into the bathroom, and Jac turns on the shower.
“The dress is on the bed,” Jac says.
And then they leave.
These are not the same men I saw earlier.
After showering, I dress and keep everything blank because there are Alice’s rabbit holes and then there are the fucked-up, slutty ones I’ve conjured up in my brain.