“Looks like the show is over,” Kylie told Cade. “Are you sticking around to see Daphne?”

“I’m not sure,” he said. “I didn’t really intend to see anyone but you tonight.”

Hearing that made her body flush with pleasure. She turned to smile at him . . . and noticed that a fair amount of her lip gloss was on his mouth. Oh lord. With an alarmed gasp, she leaned forward and smoothed her thumbs over his mouth, trying to wipe away the evidence even as he chuckled.

“Cade?” a voice shrieked. “Oh my God, you’re here!”

A sweaty Daphne pushed past Kylie and flung her arms around Cade. Kylie watched as his eyes went wide, and then he reluctantly patted her on the back. “Hey, Daph.”

Daphne wrapped her arms around his neck, crawling all over him, and then began to press quick kisses on his cheeks. Cade looked embarrassed at the show, and his gaze flicked to Kylie.

Yeah, well, Kylie should have seen this coming. Squashing down her feelings of irritation, she headed toward the makeup chair and started unpacking her things. Daphne would want her face refreshed before she went out to face the media. But she couldn’t help but peer over at Cade and Daphne as they hugged.

Okay, so she was being a little prying and a lot jealous. So what? She could be a little possessive of a guy if she’d had a one-night stand with him, right? It didn’t mean anything, but she also wasn’t able to just turn things off just like that.

She watched as Daphne bounced, still in her shiny leotard with the black tutu, and grabbed Cade’s hands. “I’m so excited you’re here!”

His smile was warm. “I’m glad.”

“You didn’t answer my texts!”

“I was busy. You never answer mine,” he chided.

“I’m busy, too,” Daphne said coyly. “So what made you stop by?”

He glanced up and his gaze met Kylie’s. “Kylie, actually—”

“Oh?” Now Daphne turned, and she beamed at Kylie. “You got him for me, Fat Marilyn? You’re so sweet!”

“I—” Kylie began, then clamped her mouth shut. What could she possibly say?

“Fat Marilyn?” Cade asked, a frown on his face.

“Well, come sit with me,” Daphne said, grabbing Cade’s hand and ignoring his question. “We can catch up.”

“You have press duties,” Snoopy reminded Daphne.

“Don’t fucking snap at me,” Daphne snarled, and Snoopy’s eyes went wide. So did Kylie’s. Daphne had been volatile for the last few days but her reaction to Snoopy’s mild comment was alarming.

The room got quiet. “Maybe I should go,” Cade said.

“No!” Daphne cried, and she clung to Cade’s chest. To Kylie’s horror, Daphne began to cry. “I need you here with me, Cade. I don’t have anyone to lean on. Please don’t go.” Big, racking sobs shook her thin frame. “You don’t know how hard it’s been for me—”

“Shhh,” Cade said, voice soothing. “Let’s sit down. You need to relax, Daphne. You’re under a lot of stress.” He gently steered her toward one of the comfortable sofas and set her down. She didn’t let him go, instead clinging so that he had no choice but to sit next to her. As he did, she buried her face in his shirt and huddled against him like a sad puppy.

“Please don’t leave me, Cade,” she repeated.

“I’m here,” he said, glancing over at Kylie. The look in his eyes was a mixture of sadness and resignation, and she gave him a smile to try and encourage him, to let him know it was all right. Daphne needed him tonight, and if it hurt Kylie to see Daphne crawling all over him, well, it wasn’t like Kylie owned him, was it?

“I’m so glad you’re here,” Daphne murmured against Cade’s chest, not raising her head.

He stroked her hair. “Why don’t we get you some water to drink and then we’ll see about getting you ready for the press meet and greet, okay?”

“But you’ll stay?”

“I’ll stay,” he said softly.

After that, things fell into a blur of activity. Daphne eventually calmed down enough for Kylie to wipe off her old makeup and set her up with fresh new makeup. Daphne was twitching and kept scratching at her skin, so Kylie had to do the best she could.

Cade remained nearby, and when Daphne did her press interviews, she insisted that he stay. So he did, and late into the night, the fans left and only the hard-partying types remained. The backup dancers broke out the alcohol, and a few people in the crew started to pass around drugs.