Page 44 of Touched By Destiny

“Secrecy keeps the destiny-touched alive, right? As far as we know, since the dawn of necromancers, the destiny-touched have been persecuted. We have no history books, so we guess that it’s been many thousands of years. Necros are immortal, so anyone who has survived would be powerful by now. But the destiny-touched have more gifts than anyone else.”

“Yeah, so the necros want the destiny-touched dead because they think you’re too big a risk and will expose them to humans,” Gabriel said.

“Why would we do that though? Why would anyone assume the destiny-touched would imperil ourselves more than a regular necro? We have more to lose. Bigger gifts. If they’re like me, no one can even see what they do every day. And there are human mediums. Only they know if they honestly see ghosts. I hope they do. We can blend in without endangering ourselves.”

“With you so far, but I’m not getting where we have it wrong yet,” Gabriel commented.

“What if there’s a destiny-touched trying to eliminate his or her competition?” Eric asked. “Imagine. You could resurrectpeople and kill them. Create an army of ghosts to report back to you. Why wouldn’t I trust a ghost?”

“That’s diabolical,” Gabriel said, an icy chill trickling down his spine. “Thanks for giving me something new to have nightmares about.”

“Every spirit I’ve encountered is no longer on this plane, and either they’ve told me a great tale, or I haven’t bumped into a dead inspirit. But who says it isn’t possible?”

“I’m gonna chime in here,” Paxton said. “We’re not normal people. Unlike your ghosts, we were already dead once. Our spirits may remember how to cross without difficulties. Or maybe because we’re crafted with magic, we don’t linger. Maybe we can’t be ghosts.”

“Rather hard theory to test,” Gabriel added dryly.

“Don’t worry,” Eric said with a mischievous smile. “I’m not planning on killing anyone.”

In a flash, every difference between Gabriel and Eric stood as a monumental obstacle. Unlike Eric, who had a pure soul, Gabriel had killed. Without hesitation, he’d ended the life of the man who’d allowed him to breathe again. Samael Wolfebrier was a ghost Gabriel couldn’t forget.

“I think we should keep sharp objects away from you anyway,” Paxton teased as the car rolled to a stop.

Gabriel pushed the door open and stepped into the cool air of a sunny October morning. A few seconds later, Eric followed him out.

“Are you okay?” Eric asked.

“I’m fine,” Gabriel stated flatly. “Don’t forget to convince Connor we need to move around a little.”

Hurt flashed in Eric’s gaze, then he forced a smile. “Sure.”

Feeling like an ass, Gabriel rubbed his forehead. “Sorry, I just…fuck. Old memories, Eric. Stuff from before your parents hired me is bothering me. That’s all.”

“No, I’m sorry,” Eric said. “My words were careless. You’ve had to take a life, and it couldn’t have been easy. I shouldn’t have joked about it. We don’t have to talk about it, but I want you to know that I think it was brave of you. Your story has comforted me since I first heard it, because I know you’ll always be there for me. And although I hate the idea of anyone putting themselves in danger on my behalf, you wouldn’t hesitate.”

“No, I wouldn’t,” Gabriel replied honestly.

Although Eric believed the act of killing Samael had been courageous, Gabriel didn’t agree. Perhaps if he’d pulled that trigger before the first destiny-touched necro was murdered, he’d feel better about the situation. But nothing could change the fact that Gabriel had sat idly by for fifteen years. Or that he’d buried countless people like Eric without giving them a second thought or asking the right questions. Gabriel had foolishly taken Samael at his word that their deaths were necessary to protect necromancers.

“Is Connor here?” Gabriel asked.


“Let’s go talk to him then.”



Since Eric was already heading toward his ghost, he stopped and turned back so their eyes met. “Yeah?”

“Come over tonight?”

Eric’s mouth curved into a beautiful smile, and that gorgeous blue gaze went dreamy. “I’d like that.”

“Me too,” Gabriel replied. It’d been too long since their last night alone together, and Gabriel was eager for his company. But the last damn thing they’d be discussing was anything about Samael.
