“I didn’t expect to find myself on vacation this week, but I think it’s been a good thing.”
His mind immediately went to the condoms his mother had wanted Gabriel to have, and Eric’s tone was sharp as he asked, “Enjoying yourself?”
“I can’t complain about spending my days lounging out on a beautiful beach.”
“How’s your tan?”
Gabriel chuckled. “Did I suddenly turn human? I can’t get one of those any more than you can.”
“What else have you been up to?” Eric asked and scrunched up his face as he waited anxiously for the response.
“Thinking. I’ve done a lot of thinking.”
“I thought you’d be going out for fancy dinners. Maybe hit a club. It’s not like you have anyone to guard.”
“Eric, I was just in a club, and my reckless behavior has given me way too much to think about. The last thing I intend to do is add to my woes. And for the time being, I have a soulmate; I can’t dishonor that.”
“For the time being?” Eric asked. Part of him rejoiced because Gabriel hadn’t met anyone else on his vacation. The rest of him was completely confused and worried.
“We don’t know enough about soulmates to understand every facet of the relationship. If two people allow distance between them, can their souls eventually grow apart?”
Eric scowled. It was impossible to believe two souls could disconnect, no matter how long the people involved stayed apart. The connection between soulmates was too strong, and the gift too remarkable to unravel one day. And it fucking irritated Eric that Gabriel would consider that an option.
“I don’t think that’s how it works,” Eric retorted. “Two souls meant for each other are now one. I don’t think it ever fades. That’s ridiculous.”
“I’m sorry, I’m not trying to make you angry. All I’ve done is think, and Eric, I’m not the right man for you. I can’t be your soulmate. If we push ourselves into honoring this thing because we’ve been told there are no alternatives, we’ll wind up miserable. There are so many people around us who’d be hurt and disappointed, and I don’t know how we’d fix the mess we’d make.”
Brushing away a tear, Eric hung his head. Rejection had been hard enough the first time, and now Eric was being tossed aside again. It hurt. Eric was heartbroken and also furious. As usual, he had no say in his future. Gabriel had decided they wouldn’t be together without even discussing it with him. It was over before it even began, and somehow Eric’s feelings weren’t important enough to be considered.
Eric wanted to scream, shout, or sob violently. But he did none of those things. He quietly wept while Gabriel shattered him with his thoughtless words because, try as he might, he couldn’t hold his tears at bay.
“Are you still there?” Gabriel asked softly.
Lifting his chin, Eric swallowed thickly.
“Yes,” he replied shakily. He took a moment to gather himself. The last thing he wanted was for Gabriel to know how badly he was hurt. So, he waited until he was sure his voice wouldn’t waver. He’d weep, but he’d do it alone. “I have no choice but to respect that you don’t want to honor our matebond. Hopefully, you’re right and someday my soul will be free to find someone worthy of it. Goodnight, Gabriel.”
Without waiting for a response, Eric ended the call with a tap on his screen. He tossed the phone aside and vowed he wouldn’t even speak to Gabriel unless it was necessary. Since his childhood, Gabriel and his father had planned his life and safety without his input.
Now, Eric was expected to act like a good little destiny-touched necromancer and accept that Gabriel had made his decision. So be it. But Eric didn’t have to like it, and he was ready to be a little wild—without ever compromising his own desire to survive. And he could do thatwithoutGabriel.
Chapter 10
Gabriel was home, but his little house no longer offered him solace. The mansion dominating the views on the left side of his home was a daunting shadow now. Inside was the man Gabriel had rejected. His soulmate. It was the toughest decision Gabriel had ever made, and he hated it. But he had to think of Eric first. And Eric deserved better than him.
Alongside his guilt was fear. Terror had forced Gabriel to make that call on Friday night. To end any chance of romance with Eric long before any tender feelings emerged between them. Or at least in Eric’s case. Gabriel couldn’t pretend any longer—he cared for Eric far more than any bodyguard should.
So, here Gabriel sat on a Monday morning, wishing he didn’t have to go up to that big house and sit alongside Eric while they ate breakfast. And pretend that destiny or whoever oversaw soulbindings hadn’t already made their choice for them. In time, it had to fade. That tentative touch of two shiny souls reaching for each other would become a forgotten memory. It had to happen that way.
Eric needed someone who’d put him first. To love him unconditionally and be his best friend. A man braver than Gabriel. Someone who hadn’t spent fifteen years beingmanipulated by an asshole while countless destiny-touched necromancers like Eric died. A man who hadn’t hauled murdered bodies to their final resting places.
Eric deserved a soulmate who believed in forever. Someone who’d worship Eric without end. They’d have everything in common, and they would fill their days with laughter, kindness, and passion.
And Gabriel would watch them. He’d guard them while envy drove him mad, until he once again grew skeletal and slowly faded away. It was asking too much now for Eric to recall him fondly, but maybe someday he’d put flowers on Gabriel’s grave and forgive him for his rejection.
Since Gabriel wanted nothing more than to sob like a baby or rail at whatever forces had put his soul so close to Eric’s in the first place, he had to force himself to stand up and pull on his suit jacket. Until he was dead and forgotten, he had a job to do. Gabriel would not fail Eric. He could not fail him.
With a heavy sigh, Gabriel disengaged the house alarm and tramped up the walk between his cozy villa to the Marwoods’ spacious home. He slid open the tall glass door at the back of the house, and no notes from the piano met his ears. Instead, he heard Clark shouting after his youngest son.