Page 129 of The Truth & Lies Duet

I’m not close enough with any of the girls here to ask them to borrow something. Asking Holden is…complicated. And taking another guy’s clothes isn’t an option.

“I was hoping we’d run into each other again,” Brooks says. He’s still smiling. “Didn’t think it’d be here, out in the middle of nowhere.”

His tone is light, but there’s a question in his probing gaze. Possibly because I literally ran off from our last conversation. Probably because he’s since heard some version of why I did that paints me as pathetic or cowardly or both.

“I, uh, I didn’t realize you’d be here either.” Realizing that sounded unfriendly, I quickly add, “Not that it’s not nice to seeyou again. I just didn’t realize camping is what you meant by sticking around.”

His grin broadens. He’s either one of those perennially optimistic people or genuinely happy to see me. “I came back to campus early for training with a professor. I’m supposed to be his TA for the fall semester. The day I arrived, his daughter was rushed to the hospital to have her tonsils removed. She’s fine, but he’s spending a few days at home. It was either sit on campus or come hang out with Finn. Basically just along for the ride of what he’s up to.”

I nod. “What class are you TAing for?”

“Organic Chemistry.”

I blink at him. “Seriously?”

“Yeah.” His smile turns sheepish. “I like a challenge.”

“Sounds more like you’re a masochist.”

Brooks laughs. “Yeah. I’ve heard that before. It’s not as bad as people say.”

“I know. I took it.”

“Oh, yeah? What’s your major?”

“Biology. I’m pre-vet.”

“What year did you take Org Chem?”

“Uh, freshman.”

He blinks at me. “You passed Org Chem as afreshman?”

“Passed?” I grin. “Got an A.”


“Thank you.”

We’re drawing attention, I realize belatedly, registering the curious side glances aimed our way.

“I’m going to grab a drink,” I tell Brooks.

He nods an acknowledgment before I continue walking toward the two coolers, wading deeper into an uncertain situation.

McKenzie Howard is already standing there, pouring liquid from a plastic pitcher into a cup.

She glances up and looks me over, one eyebrow rising. “Hey, Cassia.”

“Hi, McKenzie,” I reply, shooting her a smile I’m relieved she reciprocates.

My relationship with Holden’s group of friends has always been uncomfortable. We might have gone to the same high school, but we definitely weren’t part of the same social circle, so there was no natural integration to mirror our relationship. Most of the girls have some sort of history with Holden, and all of the guys are loyal to him over me.

During moments like now, when things between me and Holden are rocky, it’s especially awkward. I’m afloat with no safe harbor to head into. But I knew that would be the case when I decided to come.

“Want some lemonade?” McKenzie tilts the pitcher she’s holding toward me.

“Sure.” I nod. “Thanks.”