Page 126 of The Truth & Lies Duet

“Yeah, that’s what I thought.”

“We’re friends. I care about her, that’s all.”

“And you think I don’t?”

Harrison shrugs. “Hard to tell, sometimes.”

His words make me pause. Because I can tell he means them, that he’s not only trying to piss me off.

And if that’s what a guy I grew up with thinks—someone who’s been around us countless times over the past few years—I wonder what everyone else thinks. Whatshethinks.

“You didn’t come back once this summer, and once you did, you left the next day. Everyone’s thinking it, Adams. Don’t get mad at me just because I’m the only one saying it.”

That’sexactlywhy I’m pissed at him, but it sounds small and petty to respond that way.

I refocus on assembling the tent instead, not-so-subtly letting him know I’m done discussing it. I was the last to arrive, so I’m behind on setting up.

Harrison exhales. “One burger or two?”

“Two.” There’s a subtle whiff of smoke in the air that suggests dinner is already in the works. “Thanks,” I add reluctantly.

It’s past seven by the time I’ve got the tent up and unrolled my sleeping bag. I change into a long-sleeved shirt and thenhead toward the fire pit, bumping fists with Mark and Jordan before grabbing a beer from the cooler.

Finn is grilling, the aroma of roasting meat mixing with wood smoke in the cooling air. I end up standing next to him, watching him flip patties while we talk basketball.

I’m relaxed and enjoying myself, so of course it’s when his frat brother decides to come over. He’s a good-looking guy, I guess. Tall, but I still have a couple of inches on him. His friendly, open grin reminds me of Finn’s. Maybe amiability is a requirement for joining their shared frat.

“Hey, man. I’m Brooks.”

“Holden.” I shake his offered hand, my grip a little tighter than it needs to be.

Brooks doesn’t wince. “Nice to finally meet you. Finn talks about you a lot.”

Finn has never once mentioned Brooks to me, so I’m guessing that’s an exaggeration. And we’ve never crossed paths when I’ve visited Arlington’s campus, so I seriously doubt they’re that close.

But I nod instead of stirring up shit. “Yeah. Nice to meet you too. Your jump shot needs work.”

Finn rolls his eyes.

I could have said worse.

Brooks laughs once, then runs a hand through his hair. It’s a few inches longer than mine, flopping across his forehead. “Yeah, I know. Probably why I lost. I warned Cassia I was terrible before we started playing.”

Ihatethe casual way he says her name.

My hand tightens around the bottle I’m holding, but I don’t react otherwise. Don’t say a word. I let the silence linger until it turns awkward.

I don’t really care if Brooks is an oblivious bystander to the situation between me and Cassia or if he’s mentioning her to test my reaction. I dislike him the same amount either way.

“Mind grabbing the burger buns, man?” Finn asks Brooks.

“Yeah. Sure.” He’s quick to leave us alone.

Finn glances at me, eyebrow arched. “Could you chill the fuck out?”

“I’m chill,” I say, then sip more beer.

Finn rolls his eyes again.