Page 118 of The Truth & Lies Duet

The same starry eyes I aimed Holden’s way when I was her age. And when I was twelve. Sixteen. Twenty.

The same way I look at him now, even after everything.

“Cassia’s done really amazing work with her.”

I smile automatically in response to Jackie’s comment.

It’s an overstatement, since Willow was dropped off by loving owners moving to an apartment that didn’t allow pets. She hasn’t suffered the same trauma a lot of our other residents have, just confusion.

“So have you,” I say.

Jackie blushes, then looks at Holden. “Are you here to volunteer?”

I tilt my head, curious what his answer will be. When we first started dating, he would come here a lot. Pick me up, drop me off, but also spend time in the kennels.

And then, gradually, things shifted. We left for college and there were different schedules.

Different responsibilities.

Different priorities.

“No. Not today.” Holden shoves his hands into his pockets, gaze only on me. “Just here to talk to your boss.”

“Oh,” Jackie says, glancing back and forth between us.

And I realize that they’ve never met. That Holden hasn’t visited me at the shelter since Jackie started working here.

I’ve been in a basketball arena countless times in the past year.

“Nice to meet you, Holden,” Jackie says.

“Yeah, you too.”

She rushes outside, like she’s suddenly aware of the simmering tension in the air between us.

The bell above the door tinkles cheerfully, like it’s not.

“Hi,” he says.

I kind of want to snort at the unoriginality. Months of silence. Years of dating. All I get isHi.

At least we’re conversing, I guess.


“How’s your summer been?”

Lame. Depressing. Boring.“Good.”

Holden shoves his hands in his pockets. Glances around. “This place looks the same.”

“Some things don’t change.”

His eyes are back on me. “You left pretty fast last night.”

“I didn’t know you’d be there.”

“Yeah.” He exhales. “Plans changed.”