No one notices what I’m doing if I happen to be spotted in the hallway while I’m fiddling with the lock.

I’ve smiled and introduced myself to more of her neighbors than I think she has.

Laying down in the bed next to her, I turn onto my side and gently tuck her hair behind her ear.

Monroe Barclay left the Cape a year after she graduated from high school.

She told my parents that she wanted to find herself, so they sent her on a little trip ‘round the world.

As I lick the tips of my fingers, I do my best not to scoff.

Apparently, she found herself on the religious tour of duty leg on her tour and decided that she wants to enter the convent.

We don’t know which one, and to be honest, I don’t think she does either.

She just calls it the convent.

Like a bad D horror flick.

I take a deep, steadying breath as I slip a hand between her legs, prying her thighs slightly apart.

Using my thumb, I push her panties to the side, then use my damp fingertips, lightly running them up and down her slit.

I turn my face away to let out the breath, so I don’t wake her, then let my fingers find their way to her clit.

Monroe has been a mystery to everyone in our family for years. After her parents died, she got sent to live with us.

She was seven and I was ten.

And I’ve been chasing her in my own way ever since.

Resting my lips against her shoulder, I begin to circle the hardened nub as lightly as I can.

What I want to do is drive my fingers into her pussy and fuck it until she screams my name, coating my fingers with her juices, then force them down her throat.

Monroe Barclay with the big green eyes, wavy, umber-colored hair, and solemn smile belongs to me.

Whether she knows it or not, her place isn’t on her knees worshipping at the altar of any god.

It’s on her knees in front of me.

A breath catches in my throat as I close my eyes, thinking of her begging me to let her taste my pussy and I rub her clit a little faster.

Be careful, River, don’t wake her up.

I force myself to still my fingers for a moment, laying behind her, pressed against her sexy, little body before I open my eyes again.

I move the tips of my fingers to her lower lips, then gently begin to open them.

Since I have to leave without making her come again, then I’ll take the taste of her on my lips as a parting gift.

As I begin to pull away from Monroe’s sleeping form, I slip a finger into her carefully, run it along the fleshy wall inside, then pull it out.

Moving off the bed without making a single creek, I head for her bedroom door.

I grin as I slip my finger into my mouth and suck the juice off.

I may not have been able to make her come tonight, but she still managed to get wet, and I was going to savor every fucking drop on the way back home.