“What is this?” It wasn’t a special occasion and Donny and Gage never bought each other gifts without a reason. They weren’t a clingy, hand-holding couple, sending each other mushy cards and calling each other all hours of the day. They didn’t go out to dinner often, or to nightclubs. In fact, they weren’t really a couple at all, just two people who had been seeing each other for a while and had grown very familiar. No one at work knew Donny was gay, so he and Gage kept a low profile and were never seen together in public. This arrangement suited them well.

“Open it and find out,” Donny said.

Gage gently pulled the silver gift wrap from the small box and set it on the counter beside his keys. When he opened the black velvet case and saw a diamond bracelet, he smiled and said, “This looks like it’s real.” But he wondered about wearing a diamond tennis bracelet. He wasn’t the type to wear more than a wristwatch.

“It is real,” Donny said, with a wide grin. “It’s diamond ankle bracelet. I saw it in a shop window earlier this week and thought you’d look hot wearing a diamond ankle bracelet.”

Gage set the case on the counter and threw his arms around Donny’s shoulders, relieved it was a bracelet for his ankle, not his wrist. “I love it, you big fool. It must have cost a small fortune.” Donny had always reminded Gage of a professional wrestler on TV. His chest was forty-eight inches and Gage could never wrap his arms all the way around him, but that was what Gage liked most about Donny. Gage had never been attracted to men who were built like he was, the male-model types with slim, defined bodies and narrow hips. Gage liked his men big and strong and muscular, with thighs that could crack walnuts and hands that could crush beer cans. Gage didn’t waste time in this respect. He wanted a man who could climb on top of him and overpower him in every single way. Donny Vitelli, who happened to prefer his men thin and smooth, was never shy about doing this.

“I think you’re worth it,” Donny said, reaching down to grab his ass again.

Gage reached back and took the small jewelry box from the counter, with one hand still braced on Donny’s shoulder. Then he pushed Donny gently and they slowly made their way back toward the bed. When they reached the bed, Gage placed the jewelry box on a small nightstand and started to remove Donny’s suit jacket. After that, he removed the rest of Donny’s clothes, working slowly downward, kissing Donny’s body each step of the way. Gage went down on his hands and knees and untied Donny’s size-thirteen black leather dress shoes. He slipped them off Donny’s huge feet and pulled off his black dress socks. After he kissed Donny’s feet, one toe at a time, he helped Donny step out of his pants and slowly rose to his knees. By that time Donny was only wearing white boxer shorts and his nine-inch dick was sticking out of the open fly. Gage closed his eyes and ran his tongue down the length of Donny’s shaft. He pressed his face between Donny’s solid legs and inhaled his strong musky scent. He remained this way for a moment, taking in as much of Donny as he could, then yanked Donny’s boxer shorts down his legs and helped him step out of them.

When Donny was naked and his big hairy legs were spread wide, Gage smiled and pushed him back toward the bed. Then Gage quickly removed all his clothes, tossing them in a pile on top of Donny’s. Donny sat back on his elbows with a big smile. His legs hung over the edge of the mattress just enough so his large feet couldn’t touch the floor. He watched Gage strip for him without saying a word. He gaped at Gage’s smooth naked body and licked his lips. His eyes glazed over and he eventually started choking his dick with his right fist.

When Gage was naked, he handed the diamond ankle bracelet to Donny and lifted his right leg on to the bed. He rested his foot next to Donny and said, “I want you to put it on for me.”

Donny sat up and Gage leaned into his shoulder for support. When Donny took Gage’s ankle and lifted his leg higher to he could fasten the diamond bracelet, Gage arched his foot and closed his eyes. Donny fumbled with the tiny clasp for a moment or two. But when the ankle bracelet was secure, Donny slid his large hand up Gage’s smooth leg and leaned over to bite his ankle.

After that, Gage knew exactly what to do. First he climbed on top of Donny and straddled his waist. For a minute, he rubbed Donny’s hairy chest lightly with the tips of his fingers. Then he spread his legs wide and wrapped his arms around Donny’s size-seventeen neck. When he slipped his tongue into Donny’s mouth, Donny’s hands traveled down Gage’s back and stopped at the bottom of his ass. They kissed this way, gasping for breath, as Donny spread Gage’s ass apart. Finally Donny took control and forced Gage down on his back. Donny climbed on top of Gage and pinned him to the mattress, and Gage didn’t resist. His body went limp as Donny yanked the back of his neck with one hand and shoved the back of his thigh with the other. Gage’s hands remained at the back of Donny’s neck, pulling Donny’s handsome face toward his as he let out gentle sighs and soft moans. He felt Donny poking his groin and he spread his legs wider.

They kissed and groped each other like this longer than they usually did, then Donny pulled a tube of lubricant out of the nightstand. Even though they weren’t actually a couple in the truest sense of the word, they’d agreed to remain monogamous and they’d both tested negative for HIV. Gage knew, deep down, Donny would never come out of the closet. But Gage liked being with one man at a time, and Donny treated him very well. So Gage spread his legs and closed his eyes. Donny sat back on his haunches, lathered his cock with lube, and shoved two fingers into Gage’s hole.

While Donny’s thick fingers probed Gage, opening him up so he could plunge inside fast, Gage spread his legs as wide as he could and braced his feet on Donny’s hulking chest. He liked the fact that no matter how hard he pushed against Donny’s chest, Donny never budged. When Donny looked down and saw the diamond ankle bracelet, he licked Gage’s ankle. Gage closed his eyes and smiled. He knew this ankle bracelet was partly a gift for him and partly a gift for Donny. He knew Donny had a thing about ankle bracelets and kinky things. They had a drawer filled with Donny’s kinky sex toys. Gage had once worn a thick black ankle bracelet to bed with Donny, at Donny’s request. Gage hadn’t given the ankle bracelet a second thought; he could take kink or leave it. But when Donny noticed it, he went wild that night.

Donny seemed to be going wild over the diamond ankle bracelet now. Gage didn’t mind at all because Donny knew what Gage liked, too. The relationship, though more sexual than emotional, had always worked both ways. Donny didn’t take his time entering Gage, asking for permission, trying to be a gentleman. He didn’t insert the head of his dick slowly or wedge it in with care. Donny Vitelli just grabbed his thick, slightly curved cock, with the cute little squiggly vein at the top just below the head, and shoved it into Gage’s hole fast and hard. Then he started fucking him with such intensity Gage’s arms went back over his head and bounced on the rocking mattress.