Gage almost laughed in his face. If Jase only knew he was really two of a kind. “If you guys don’t mind, I’m going to go upstairs to take a nap. I’m not feeling that great and my head is pounding. It’s probably just a little head cold coming on.”

Jase hugged him and said. “Don’t worry about a thing. I’ll take care of Hunter and I’ll order the pizza for dinner. I’ll call you when it’s time to come down. You need your rest for later tonight when Ted Barker and Thomas come over.”

Gage turned and said, “Huh ?” He knew Thomas. But who the hell was Ted Barker?

Jase smiled. “Oh, you really must be feeling bad if you don’t remember what we’re doing tonight. Ted and Thomas are coming over after dinner. You’re the one who has been reminding me for two weeks. Thomas promised to finally do a full psychic reading for you. You’ve been bugging him for ages.”

Leave it to Gage’s gullible, jackass twin brother to bug someone for a full psychic reading. What a fucking crackpot. Luis had always been that way. As kids, whenever they went to a carnival, you could always find Luis hanging around the gypsy tent looking for a tarot card reading, gaping with parted lips at the way the queen of the gypsies gazed into her crystal ball. Luis read his horoscope daily, and even believed in ghosts and the supernatural. Gage had always laughed at him and shrugged it off, preferring to stick to reality and what he could see and explain based on scientific facts. If there were real psychics, Gage had never met one. And now he had to sit through a psychic reading with the old gay Reverend who lived at the end of the road. But he didn’t want Jase to know he thought this was all a huge waste of time, so he yawned and said, “I didn’t forget. I’ll be fine. I just need a little nap, is all.”

* * * *

After dinner—greasy, cheesy pizza and sugary orange soda—Jase put Hunter to bed and Gage went into their bedroom to change his clothes for this Ted Barker person and the old psychic Reverend. From what Gage had figured out so far, this Ted Barker guy lived at the end of the road, too, adjacent to where the psychic reverend lived, in a little stone house that was one of the oldest buildings in the county. When Jase talked about Ted during dinner, Gage noticed a hint of jealousy in his tone, as if Ted was a little fonder of Luis than he should have been. The more Gage coaxed Jase into talking about Ted Barker, the more Gage smiled. When Jase mentioned Ted’s little antique shop in town, he smiled and called it, “slightly

pretentious in a quaint way.” And when Jase mentioned Ted’s background in Bucks County history, Jase implied Ted was a pedantic know-it-all and one of those boring, fuzzy-headed historically accurate types that made him yawn.

As Gage put on a pair of Luis’s jeans and an olive green polo shirt, he had a feeling the evening might be more interesting than he thought it would be. But then Jase walked into the bedroom and told him Hunter was all tucked into his bed and he started removing his clothes. Jase laughed and said he’d never seen Hunter so tired; he thought it was the pizza and soda. Although Gage was already dressed by then and ready to go downstairs to wait for Ted and the psychic Reverend to arrive, Jase cornered him in the closet and started kissing his neck. Jase was in his boxer shorts by then and Gage could feel Jase’s growing erection pressing into his pelvis. There had to be at least eight inches down there.

So Gage pushed him back and slipped out from under his arms. “I have to go downstairs. They’ll be here any minute, Jase. And you’d better get dressed.” The pizza and soda didn’t seem to have calmed Jase much. Gage could feel the animalistic urges coming from Jase’s body; he could almost smell the testosterone. And he couldn’t miss the firm erection pitching a tent in Jase’s boxer shorts. This was a man who hadn’t had sex with his partner in over a week and he was ready to take him hard and fast.

Jase grabbed him by the shoulders and forced him into the closet wall again. He squeezed his shoulders hard and said, “Let them wait. I wanna fuck.” Then he lowered his head and bit Gage’s neck.

“Let go,” Gage said. “I’m sorry, Jase. I have a headache and I’m not in the mood.” Gage knew the ultimate revenge would have been to sleep with his twin brother’s husband. He knew this would hurt Luis the most. Yet he still couldn’t bring himself to stoop so low. He felt so terrible for Jase. The poor guy needed to fuck something so bad he was ready to put his fist through the wall. But Gage simply couldn’t do it. He entertained the idea of giving Jase a quick hand job just to calm him down. He wondered if that was against the rules or not when it came to gay brothers-in-law. But he couldn’t even bring himself to do that.

“C’mon,” Jase said. “You’ve let me fuck you before when you’ve had colds. Remember that time you had the flu and you rolled over and let me fuck you on the bed? You don’t seem as sick now as you did then.” Jase took a step toward him. “Just a quick one. I’ll get in and out fast.” Jase lifted his arm and made a fist. “Bam, bam, bam. You won’t even know you’ve been fucked.”

No wonder Luis looked so happy. With a billionaire like Jase begging to fuck him like this, who wouldn’t be smiling all the time? But Gage stood his ground. “I’m sorry, Jase. I’m just not in the mood. It’s nothing personal. But my head is pounding.”

Jase’s shoulders relaxed and he sighed. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel bad. It’s just that I don’t want to fall back into that pattern where he have to start making appointments to have sex. Remember how hard it was to have sex when we first found out I had a son? You were all wrapped up with Hunter and I was jacking myself off in my office, it was so bad.”

Gage nodded, as if he really did remember, and said, “Well, you might have to jack yourself again, because this is one of those headaches I think might last for a while. I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you when I’m feeling better.”

Jase leaned forward and kissed him. “You don’t have to be sorry. I love you now more than ever. We’ve always found ways to work through the rough patches. If I have to wait another week, I’ll do it without a problem.”

They really did love each other. Luis hadn’t been blowing smoke up Gage’s ass when he’d told Gage about the wonderful life they shared. Gage’s chest started to cave in when it occurred to him he may have gone a little too far with this charade. The best he could do now, until he could figure out his next move, was to keep refusing to have sex with Jase. On his way out of the closet, he gave Jase a brotherly pat on the arm and said, “You’re very good man. Now put your dick away, get dressed, and come downstairs so I don’t have to entertain these two fucking bozos alone.”