This was the first time since Gage had been with Snake, the hired hand on his father’s farm, he’d felt so reckless and free with his body. This was the first time since Snake he’d wanted a man to treat him with as much tenderness as he did force. It felt as if time had stopped and nothing else mattered. The fact that Gage and this man were total strangers and they were fucking in the back seat of a taxi in a parking lot created an element of danger Gage hadn’t experienced since Snake had fucked him in his father’s barn. And Gage and this total stranger went at it with such enthusiasm, anyone watching outside from a distance would have thought there was something seriously wrong inside that rocking, bouncing taxi. But anyone peeking through the window would have seen a hot naked guy in his late twenties sitting on the lap of a dark, fully clothed taxi driver. They would have seen that this hot naked guy couldn’t get enough of this dark, thick man. They would have seen the driver’s face turn a deep shade of red. And they would have heard the hot naked guy begging the dark stranger to go deeper and harder.

At one point, Gage lost control and ripped the driver’s red plaid shirt wide open so he could feel the hairy muscles on his broad, unfamiliar chest. The driver’s shirt buttons flew in different directions and Gage pressed his palms against the driver’s chest and rode him even faster. The driver didn’t seem to mind that Gage had just ruined his shirt. He smiled when Gage leaned forward and inhaled the scent from his armpits. He started slapping Gage’s ass harder and bucking his hips with even more force, giving Gage the abuse he kept begging for. The more Gage whispered he wanted it hard and that he wanted to be slapped, the more the driver gave him. The friction between Gage’s legs grew more intense; beads of sweat dripped down the sides of his face. When the driver finally began to grunt out loud and wiggle his legs, Gage knew he was about to climax and fill the condom buried deeply inside his body.

“Come for me,” Gage said in a stage whisper. He took himself in his hand and held on tightly. “Fuck me until you come. Don’t stop. Keep fucking.”

The driver closed his eyes and nodded, as if too weak to speak. He grunted a few more times, still fucking hard, and slapped Gage’s ass with such force Gage felt the sting in his back teeth.

“Fuck, yeah,” Gage said, with the same soft tone, more like a gentle plea for help than a sexual command. “Come for me. Give it to me.”

A minute after that, as if what Gage had just asked for became the catalyst to end it all, they both exploded at the same time. Gage was riding him so hard by then, Gage’s entire body was bouncing up and down. The driver stretched his legs out as far as he could and opened his mouth wider. All Gage had to do to get off that time was hold himself and stroke once or twice. The strange dark penis with a slight upward curve buried inside his body was doing most of the work for him.

With this orgasm, it felt as if the lower half of Gage’s body expanded and contracted. He felt absolute pleasure from the lips of his anus to the tips of his naked toes. For a few minutes after they came, Gage continued to ride the taxi driver, experiencing a series of smaller, less intense orgasms. This unfamiliar dark cock seemed to be manipulating a part of Gage’s body he didn’t know he had. Though he thought the sex he’d shared with Donny the cop had been good, the sex with this exotic taxi driver was beyond anything he’d ever experienced before with another man.

In fact, Gage didn’t want to stop riding him. He would have ridden all night if the taxi driver hadn’t slapped his ass and said, “You’d better calm down now. You don’t want to hurt yourself.” Then he laughed to show he was only joking and caressed Gage’s thighs with those big rough hands.

Gage smiled and rested the bottom of his ass against the driver’s jeans. He could feel the driver going flaccid inside his body and he didn’t want to let go. So he tightened his sphincter and rotated his hips in slow half circles, as if goading the guy to remain at least semi-erect. “I’m sorry I got so rough,” he said. “But that, what just happened, felt so good I didn’t want it to end. I haven’t done anything like this in so long I forgot how much fun it could be.” When he said these words, he lifted his eyebrows as if he’d surprised himself.

The driver laughed. “I had no idea you would be this way,” he said. “When I picked you up earlier tonight, I never would have guessed you’d turn out like this.”

Gage smiled. He relaxed his muscles and let the driver’s dick slide out of his body. “Turn out like what?” he asked. He knew what the driver meant, but he wanted to hear him say it aloud.

“I never dreamed you’d be such a hot little fuck,” the driver said. “I’ve met both men and women who like dick and like getting fucked. But I swear to God I’ve never met anyone in my life who can ride a cock like you just did.”

Gage kissed him on the lips and climbed off his lap. “I had no idea you had the most perfect dick in the world.” He shrugged and said, “You’re a nice-looking guy. I had fun. Is there something wrong with that?” He kissed his cheek fast. “I love the way you smile. It’s very sexy. And the sound of your voice is adorable. I know that sounds silly. We’re total strangers. But I’ve never met anyone like you before.”

The driver laughed and sat up. He reached for Gage, pulled him back, and held him in his arms. “There’s nothing wrong. I had fun, too.” He kissed him again, shoving his thick tongue into Gage’s mouth as deeply as he could. When he stopped, he said, “And I’ve never met anyone like you before either.”

Gage hadn’t expected the tender kiss, so he collapsed into the driver’s arms and returned it in a sloppy, carefree way he never would have kissed Donny the cop. With Danny the cop the sex was mechanical, with very little emotion. But with this guy, he even spread his legs a little, wondering if the driver wanted to fuck him again. If he had wanted to fuck again, Gage wouldn’t have refused. That sensitive spot deep inside Gage’s body was still tingling with post-orgasmic sensations and he could have taken him on at least one or two more times that night.

But the driver stopped kissing and pushed him forward. “You’d better get dressed so I can take you home and make sure you’re safe and sound. It’s getting late and I have to get home, too.”

Gage sat up slowly and reached down to find his clothes on the floor. He didn’t want to ask any questions. He figured the guy either had a wife or a lover and it was none of his business. But he did feel bad about what he’d done to the guy’s plaid shirt. He’d ruined it when he’d ripped it open. So he handed his shirt to the driver, which was really Luis’s shirt, and said, “Let’s trade shirts. You take this one and I’ll take yours.”