Page 10 of Agony

I blindly reached for my phone on the coffee table and held down the number two button.

“Neve, Neve, go away,” Addie sang playfully.

“I got fired,” I replied.

“What?” she asked in surprised.

“Max called this morning. He fired me. Arsen got on the phone with him after I almost started bawling. He said that Max secured a place for me at Golden Hills Media first,” I explained glumly.

“Arsen was there? He ... Stayed with you last night?”

“In a completely non sexual way. God, Addie, I tell you that I get fired and you’re more interested in if I got fucked or not,” I replied angrily.

“I’m sorry,” she said, apologetically. “It’s just that you’ve never had a guy stay with you before and I thought that maybe ...”

“I met himyesterday. What the hell makes you think I’d just hand it over like that?”

Adesynne stayed quiet. I could tell that yelling at her wasn’t going to make me feel any better. Hell, all I wanted to do was piss and moan about losing my job and she assumed that I had turned into a whore while I was at it.

“Let me let you go, Addie. I’ll call you later or tomorrow,” I said quietly.

“Okay, Neve. I love you. You know that, right?”

“Yeah. I love you too.”

We said our good-byes and hung up. I put the phone down, feeling worse than I did before. After a few more minutes of just lying there and wallowing my self-pity, I decided to go out for a walk to clear my head.

I went into the bedroom and grabbed a pair of underwear, a bra, my favorite pair of blue jeans and a white t-shirt. I went into the bathroom and put my clothes on the edge of the sink and turned on the shower. Once I got the water temperature to my liking, I took off my pajamas and red panties and tossed them into the hamper.

I stepped directly into the powerful semi-hot stream and began to wash my long, wavy brown hair.

I scrubbed myself to the point of it almost being painful before I decided I was clean enough and stepped out of the shower. I dried myself off, blow dried my hair, and got dressed.

I slid on my flip flops when I got to the living room and walked out the front door.

Straight into Arsen.

“Whoa!” I cried out in surprise.

“Sorry,” he replied with a laugh. “I called Max and told him that I couldn’t make it in today.”

“So you came back here?” I asked, smiling up at him.

“Yeah, I thought we could hang out or something,” he replied with a shrug. “Where ya headed?”

“Nowhere in particular. I was just going for a walk to clear my head.”

“Why don’t we grab some food and go to Las Vegas? We can just hang out and talk,” he suggested.

“I don’t know if I’m allowed in the Devil’s Den lot anymore,” I replied quietly.

“Yeah you are. You’ll be my guest,” he said with a wink.

I laughed and nodded. Arsen grinned and walked me over to his car. He opened the door and closed it after I sat down.

A real gentleman,I thought to myself with a small smile.

“Any idea what you’re in the mood for?” he asked as he pulled his seatbelt on.