Arsen nervously chewed on his lower lip, while he waited for me to answer.
“Sure,” I finally replied.
He let out a huge sigh of relief and smiled. “Great! I’ll get your phone number from Max. Give me a few hours to do some work and get ready and I’ll give you a call, okay? Then we can set something up.”
I nodded and Arsen grinned.
In the background, I could hear the bus rolling away from the bus stop.
Even though I knew the next one wouldn’t be along for another forty five minutes, I wasn’t mad.
Just standing there and staring up into Arsen’s eyes was enough to make any feelings of desperation disappear.
After I scrubbed myself clean, twice, I decided to lie on my couch. I was wearing my gray yoga pants and a ribbed tank top. I was glad I had left the window open because it was a hot day in Odessa Valley.
The combination of the cool breeze and the fresh hot shower knocked me out in no time. When I finally opened my eyes again, it was dark outside and I smiled. I always did love the night sky here.
I got off the couch and went over to the couch near the window and sat down. I looked up at the dark blue sky and saw a small smattering of stars.
I sighed happily.
I didn’t mind being in my small apartment here and I didn’t mind the city life; hell, I was used to both of those. I just wasn’t and never would be used to the daily naked people writhing all over each other.
I stretched my arms high over my head. A small blinking light on the coffee table caught my attention. I reached for my phone and pressed the button on the right side to bring the phone to life.
Two missed calls and three text messages. Huh.
I went to my call log first and dismissed the missed calls when I didn’t recognize the phone number.
I opened my messenger and clicked on the new icon.
4:03 pm: Hey, it’s Arsen.
5:46 pm: Neve?
7:32 pm: You must be asleep. We can go talk some other time. Sweet dreams, little lady.
I looked at the time at the top of my phone. It was almost nine, but I decided to respond anyway.
Me: Sorry. I fell asleep as predicted. :)
Almost immediately I got a response.
Arsen: It’s okay. I thought for a moment there that I scared you off already lol.
I smiled at the text and tucked my legs underneath myself. I wanted to think of something witty to say. I bit my lip with a grin and responded.
Me: I didn’t have to watch you have sex (if you even do that) trust me, I’m not scared.
When Arsen didn’t respond right away, I set my phone down and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I came out a few minutes later and saw the light blinking on my phone. I jumped on the couch like a school girl and grabbed it.
Arsen: You’ll never have to watch me.
That’s it? It took him five minutes and that’s all he said?
Me: Okay.