“What’s your name?” he asked.
“Neve. What’s yours?”
“Nice to meet you,” I said shyly.
Arsen glanced up at my tone change and smiled.
“Yeah, it is. Nice to meet you too, I mean.”
We sat there silently for a moment. I was trying not to stare at Arsen as he looked at the Statue of Liberty in the distance. He cleared his throat but didn’t say anything.
I felt my palms starting to sweat as I was trying to think of something to say. I could just hear Adesynne now;would you grow a pair and say something to him?!
“So, what ... um do you do around here?” I asked nervously.
He glanced up at me and grinned. His lips were so full and every time he smiled I felt like I was falling under a spell of some sort.
“There you are! Max has been looking for you everywhere!” a female voice cried out.
We both turned our heads and saw a beautiful, blonde girl with large, fake breasts and impossibly slim waist approaching us on a golf cart.
“You’re holding up the set,” she scolded Arsen as she stopped in front of us.
“Calm down, Jess. I was just sitting in New York, enjoying the skyline with Neve,” he replied breezily.
“You’re Neve?” she asked me.
I nodded.
“Two birds with one stone! He’s looking for you too, hon. I told him I wouldn’t come back empty handed. You’ll have to enjoy the skyline some other time. Get in guys,” she instructed.
Arsen rolled his eyes at me and stood up. I got to my feet and sat in the back of the cart as he took a seat next to her. Jess turned the cart around and drove us back toward the studio. I felt a small sadness inside of me as I watched New York growing smaller and smaller in the distance.
I want to go home.
When Jess stopped the cart and turned it off, I could feel my stomach turning. I didn’t want to watch anymore people having sex but it was my job and I couldn’t lose it. Not until I had enough money to get the hell out of here.
She hopped off of the cart and ran up the stairs into the studio and I heard Arsen going up the steps behind her. I sat on the back of the cart and put my face back into my hands. I let out an angry groan into my hands and then leaned back closing my eyes.
“I thought you were behind us,” Arsen said cheerfully beside me.
I jumped and opened my eyes wide. I didn’t hear him come back down and it scared the ever living shit out of me.
“You okay?” he asked, giving me a concerned look.
“Yeah sorry. I’m just kind of over this whole thing. I’ve already sat through three sets today. I’m not interested in sitting through another one,” I replied glumly.
“If it’s any consolation, it’s the last set of the day,” he replied.
I sighed and hopped off the cart. Arsen laughed and took a step back when I bumped right into him. I was staring into his chest. That’s how much taller than me he was; hell I would bet he was taller than most people. I looked up at him and smiled weakly.
“Come on,” he said, putting an arm around my shoulders and walking me up the steps.
We walked past the camera men, the production assistants, the boom cameras, Jess, and some other people I could only figure to be more actors and actresses.
“Jesus Christ, man! Where the hell have you been?” Max yelled at Arsen when he saw us approaching him.