Page 26 of Agony

“Awesome, let’s get Addie and go home. I can start calling some people when we get there and start pulling food out of the freezer,” he said happily.

Arsen took me by the hand again and we went over to pick up our towels. Adesynne ran over to tell us that her harem was game. I decided I would send Matt a message and tell him to bring Drew, the other sub shop kid, to come to Arsen’s tonight.

We walked back to his place laughing and talking. Or rather they were; I was silent most of the way.

When we climbed the stairs to his doorway, I hesitated and Addie blew out her breath impatiently.

“Be careful in there, Cuz. You don’t want to trip on the dildos inside.”

I rolled my eyes and let Arsen lead me inside. I kept my eyes straight ahead at first because I didn’t know what to expect.

I glanced around the living room and smiled at a picture he had next to his huge flat screen television. I let go of his hand and walked over to it. I picked it up and my smile widened a little when I saw that he had his arm around an older woman who was smiling his exact smile.

“That’s my mom,” he said, appearing next to me.

“You have her smile,” I remarked, setting the picture back down.

“Yeah. She’s a good woman,” he replied.

I stepped away from the picture and looked around the opulent room. It really wasn’t what I expected. There was no sex paraphernalia anywhere and there were no signs that he was anything other than an ordinary guy. Pictures of his family and friends were scattered all over the living room.

Arsen left me in the room to look around. I noticed Addie was sitting on the obviously expensive leather couch, smiling at me.

“I’m proud of you, kid. You’ve been out here for four months, and you’re already growing up on me.”

I blushed at her praise. I knew what she meant. My answer to being Arsen’s girl was a big decision for me and she was probably expecting me to say no, which is why she answered for me.

“I like him,” I finally admitted.

“I knew that already. You wouldn’t have had a “pajama party” with him if you hadn’t,” she said, grinning and making air quotes. “You just need a push, is all.”

“Thanks, Addie,” I said softly.

“Hey, that’s what I’m here for!” she said with a laugh.

“You guys ready to hit the liquor store?” Arsen asked, reappearing.

“Let’s do it!” Addie said.

We walked out of the house after I pulled on my denim shorts. We piled into Arsen’s car and he backed out of the driveway.

“I told everyone to start showing up around seven, so we’ve got two hours,” he said as he put the car in drive and made his way toward the liquor store.

“Perfect, I told the boys eight,” Addie said from the backseat.

I reached into my purse and grabbed my phone. I sent Matt a message, giving him Arsen’s address and telling him to bring Drew.

He replied with a “hell yes” and I smiled.

“Matt’s in. And he’s bringing Drew,” I said to Arsen.

“Cool! I hope they have a good time,” he replied with a grin.

We pulled into the liquor store parking lot and got out of the car. Addie was walking around in her two piece bathing suit and I stuck close to her, feeling completely protective. Eventually we all found our way back to the front of the store and at the cash register. Arsen picked up the three hundred dollar bill and we all walked back out to the car.

“Mind dropping me off at home? I wanna change,” I said to him.

“Yeah, let me just take this stuff home first,” he replied.