“Sure,” Addie said, falling in line behind him.
“No thanks,” I replied quietly as I sat down on his stairs.
Addie shot me an angry look but Arsen understood why. He knew that I didn’t know what to expect walking into the home of a porn actor. For all I knew, he had blow-up dolls all over the place and huge framed photos of his sex scenes.
“We’ll be right out,” he said softly.
I nodded and leaned my head against the rail. I straightened my legs out and let the California sun start to slowly roast me.
Ten minutes later they walked out.
“Thank God you didn’t go in there. All the debauchery was almost too much for me to handle,” she said sarcastically.
“It’s okay, Adesynne. Really,” Arsen said quietly.
I looked up at them both and stared at Arsen. He wasn’t wearing a shirt and I was pretty sure that I instantly started to drool. I mean the body on this man was something that they probably fashioned the old Roman god statues off of.
“Get up, Neve,” Addie said with a laugh. She could tell that I was dumbstruck by his chiseled body.
“What?” I asked, looking at her in confusion.
Arsen laughed and reached down for my hand, pulling me up off the stairs.
He threw an arm around Addie’s shoulder and held my hand tightly as the three of us walked two blocks up the street before we found ourselves on the beach. Addie picked a spot close enough to the water where we would get some of the surf spray, but not get soaked by the waves. She pulled off her shirt and pulled off her denim shorts and made a beeline for the water.
In a matter of moments, men swarmed her. I laughed and shook my head. Adesynne never had any trouble in the man department.
“I think that could be more dangerous than sharks,” Arsen remarked with a chuckle.
“Oh, Addie can take care of herself,” I assured him with a grin.
He smiled and leaned back on the towel giving me a curious look.
“Do you plan on leaving that on?” he asked, giving my shirt a tug.
“Arsen, I’m sure you see enou—” I took a deep breath proud of the fact that I was able to stop myself from making a crude remark. “What I meant was, sure,” I said, getting to my feet.
I pulled off my t-shirt and adjusted my bathing suit top so that I wasn’t spilling out. Addie did this on purpose and I knew it. Then I pulled down my denim shorts and stepped out of them.
“Happy?” I asked, sitting next to him.
“Hell yes,” he replied with a grin. “Why would you hide that body?”
“You’ve already been hanging out with Adesynne for too long,” I remarked, rolling my eyes. I pulled my legs up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. “I don’t know. I just don’t feel the need to walk around parading myself, I guess.”
“There’s nothing wrong with being confident,” he said.
“Well, when I get some confidence, maybe I’ll walk around in a bikini all day,” I replied simply.
“Do you have a boyfriend back home?” he asked, sitting up. I shook my head. “How come, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Because I won’t randomly have sex. I mean I’ve been on dates with some really nice guys, but at the end of the night they all wanted sex, and I wasn’t willing to hand it over,” I replied with a shrug.
“Yeah, a lot of guys can be douchebags,” he said with a chuckle.
“Tell me about it,” I said with a laugh. “Anyway, that’s the main hindrance in my not having a relationship. That I won’t drop my pants.”
“You shouldn’t have to. Not until you’re ready.”