My phone beeped a few times letting me know that I had a new text message.
Maybe Addie forgot something,I thought as I brought the screen to life and clicked on the messaging icon.
Please let me see you.
It was Arsen.
Fuck off. Or better yet fuck Trista.
I turned my phone off before I put it away again and began to walk down the street. A few blocks away I saw a police officer, so I figured I would just get directions from him.
The cop told me I’d be walking for a few hours if I didn’t have a car. He offered to call me a cab but that’s when I remembered that I didn’t have my wallet with me. I thanked him but declined.
There was only one way I’d be able to get home and I really didn’t want to go that route, but I didn’t have a choice.
I powered my phone back on and waited for a few seconds, while it fully loaded everything.
I saw that I had three new text messages. I knew they were from Arsen without even having to look at them.
I took a deep breath and opened my call log, pressing down on his name.
“Neve? Where are you?” he asked frantically.
“I need a ride home. I don’t have any money on me.”
“Where are you? I’ll come get you,” he said.
I looked up at the big awning I was standing underneath.
“Nick’s Hardware Store. Kind of ironic,” I replied sarcastically.
He let out a long sigh, “Just stay there. I’m on my way.”
Five minutes later he pulled up to the curb and jumped out of his car. He came over to me and tried to hug me, but I brushed past him and got into the waiting vehicle.
I glanced over in time to see his shoulders drop. I turned my face away and waited. Arsen finally got into the car and started it. Instead of putting it in gear, he ran his hands through his hair, turning to face me.
“Neve, I was going to tell you. I really was. I... just wasn’t sure how I felt about you yet,” he said quietly.
“Are you going to take me home now?” I asked coldly.
“As soon as you can honestly tell me that you don’t feel something is happening here,” he replied stubbornly.
“There’s nothing happening, Arsen. And there never will be. Nowpleasetake me home.”
He didn’t reply. He didn’t even react. He just put the car in gear and drove us the hour back to my place. I got out of the car without so much as a backwards glance and went into my apartment. I flopped down on my couch and waited there until I heard his car pull out of the driveway.
Eventually I heard him drive away. That’s when I threw my phone on the charger and closed my eyes. Today went from being bad to good, then to great, to what the fuck.
I glanced at the time on the clock. It was 1:04 pm. Hopefully Addie wouldn’t take too long.
Iwoke up to the sound of someone knocking rather incessantly on the door. I pushed myself off the couch groggily and looked at the time.
Who the hell is knocking at one in the damn morning?
I walked over to the door and put the chain on before I opened it.