Page 26 of Totally Ducked

I’m awake the secondmy alarm sounds and rush to switch it off so that it doesn’t wake Ian, but rolling over, I find he isn’t there. The bathroom door is open, and I can see from my bed that he’s not in there either. Did he leave already? I check the time. It’s half an hour before the bus departs. He can’t have gone down already. Maybe the reality of last night hit him, and it wasn’t such agreat nightafter all.

I climb out of bed, grab some clothes, and jump in the shower. I spend far too long in there, knowing that the second I leave this steam-filled cocoon, reality will come crashing back. But before my fingers can prune, I switch it off, dry and dress, then spend another five minutes trying to do something with my hair. I’m overdue for a cut; the curls reach past my ears now. What would Pops say if he saw me? The old man thinks anyone with hair longer than a sixteenth of an inch is too long.

My stomach grumbles, and I give up on taming the mop on my head and open the bathroom door.

“Morning,” Ian says, with a wide grin. He’s sitting at the end of his bed, holding a brown paper bag and two coffee cups. “I thought you might be hungry, and the line for the buffet downstairs was huge.”

“Where did you get that, then?”

“A cafe down the street. I wasn’t sure of your coffee order so I got it black, but there’s cream and sugar in the kitchenette thing over there.”

He jumps up and passes me a cup, his hand shaking a little. Is he nervous?

“I was just thinking about coffee. Now, please tell me there’s food in there,” I say, nodding to the brown paper bag.

“Sure is. Are you a chocolate or fruit kind of guy?”

“Either is fine.”

“Awesome, I was hoping you didn’t say chocolate. This brownie looked sooo good.”

He pulls out a blueberry muffin and hands it over before going back in for his brownie.

“It looks like it’s going to be a pretty nice day,” he says, taking a bite and heading over to the window to pull back the curtains. A few cars move through the streets, but it’s otherwise empty, and the sun has just started to envelop the buildings in its orange glow, shimmering off the mirrored windows of the building.

“Are we really going to talk about the weather?” I ask, popping the top off the coffee and adding in a few sugars and a dash of cream.

“I’m happy to talk about anything. But I guess we should probably discuss last night,” he says, keeping his gaze on the outside world.

“I’m not sorry it happened, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“That’s good because neither am I.”

“But…” I begin, and he turns to face me, a furrow to his brow that sends a pang through my chest.

“Nothing good ever started with a but.”

I chuckle. “I’m sure that’s not true.”

Shaking his head, he takes a seat on the side of my bed facing the window and I sit beside him.

“This is all so new to me, and I guess I don’t actually know much about this kind of thing.”

His hand rests on my leg, and my skin vibrates under his touch.

“I think you know more than you give yourself credit for.”

“I guess the stuff I’ve always done sort of translates, but there’s more when it’s two guys, right? Things that I wouldn’t even think of.”

He nods, and I swallow the lump that’s risen in my throat. I can’t believe how nervous I am. I’ve never been shy talking about sex. Hearing what a woman wanted was half the fun, but this is different. I’m not even sure I would know what he was asking me to do to him. I could watch more porn or research online what guys do with other guys, probably not on the work laptop, but my phone would be fine. I know I have options, but what I really want is for Ian to show me. What I want is to see and feel those things with him.

“You can say no, but I was sort of thinking maybe you might… show me what we could do together.”

He doesn’t answer right away, and I swear his grip on my thigh tightens.

“If you’re ready for that… I’m up for it.”

“Tonight then, umm, maybe we can start with kissing again, though. Is that cool?”