Page 28 of Totally Ducked


I step out onto the field just in time to hear the start of that Dirty Dancing classic end scene song and the whole of Animal Control is dancing Patrick Swayze’s steps down the field toward the umpire. The umpire is swaying side to side, his hands on his hips and a cheeky grin on his lips.

There’s no way he’s fucking being lifted up by any one of those players. He’s only like five foot and has got to weigh at least one-ten. The song gets to the part where the girl was supposed to run and be propelled up into the air, but instead, the players behind the pitcher fan out and the pitcher throws the ball down the line.

“You skipped over the best bit?” I yell out to Dennis the choreographer standing to the side filming.

“No choice. Management says it’s too risky for any of the players to be lifted up, they could be dropped, and the umpire’s too heavy, sorry Neil.”

“It’s cool.” Neil laughs, pushing out his ass and twerking to the still playing music. “It’s this junk in my trunk that getsalllllthe girls.”

The team whoop and whistle, then, before I can stop myself or really think it through for that matter, I jump over the fence.

“Well, I’m up for it.”

“Seriously?” Dennis asks.

“Yep, with one condition, I get to post the end of the full video on my socials and link it to my article?”

“After the game.”

“During the ninth inning?”


I have no clue what the fuck I’m doing. It’s not like I’ve ever done anything like this move in my entire life. I’m skinny enoughthat it shouldn’t be too hard for the pitcher to pick me up, but now that I’m standing here, I’m wondering why the fuck I said anything.

Dennis waves over at the players. “Benny, get on Gordon’s left, Alan on his right, you fellas are going to take the pen pusher’s arms so that when he’s up, you can balance him and hopefully he doesn’t flip right over top.”

I rub my hands together, pumping myself up.I can do this.

“Okay, run, but not super-fast, then when you get to them, throw your arms out at the sides and jump. The boys’ll do the rest,” Dennis tells me, and he moves to stand at my side. “Ready?” he asks, nodding toward the boys waiting at the mound. Gordon gives a thumbs-up and then with a slap on my shoulder Dennis tells me to go.

Run, arms out, jump, I repeat as I jog toward them. Gordon’s smiling wide, slightly bent over, hands at the ready. When I reach them, I do as Dennis said and the second my feet leave the ground, Gordon’s hands are on my hips lifting me high as the others grip my arms tight. But I don’t keep my legs straight enough and they flail behind me like they’re trying to swim through the air.

They lower me down laughing.

“Youhaveseen the movie, right?“ Dennis asks from the sideline.

“Yes, but I’ve never donethisbefore, I’ll get it,“ I tell him, jogging back to home base.

I run it three more times before I manage to get my legs to stay straight. A rush of energy flows through me, my heart racing as the players and writers all cheer, except Ian, though from the look on his face, he wants to.

“Okay, time for a proper go at it. Costume on, pretend you’re the catcher, then when I give you the cue, throw the glove to the side, rip off the helmet, and run, after the spin they’ll lower youdown facing the other way then Gordon will turn, and pitch the ball,” Dennis instructs, and while I change, the players all get into position to do their dance portion of the bit.

The writers are sent up to the stands. Ian watches intently, a tiny smirk on his lips like he’s trying to hold back a real smile. Three players hold devices ready to film from different angles, and one is focused on me.

The Funky Monkeys player steps up to bat. The music starts, and my heart is beating so loud in my ears that I almost miss my cue, but I stand, toss the glove and helmet, and run. It’s even better this time. My hold is perfect, and when they lower me down and Gordon throws the pitch right down the line, landing in the real catcher’s mitt, we all jump and cheer.

It’s an amazing feeling, and I want more. Time for this little Duckie to be the one in front of the camera.

Chapter sixteen


While the rest ofus were jotting down notes for articles, Brendan was running into the arms of Gordon James, the pitcher for Animal Control. Brendan looks so fucking hot in that catcher’s uniform, and all I can think about is what might happen tonight when we get back to our room. Keeping up this rivalry between us isn’t easy. I wanted to cheer along with everyone when they finally landed that move. I wanted to cheer for him. But we made an agreement, so I focused on how much I hated that Gordon’s hands were on him instead.

They get the whole routine down, then the players divide into sections on the field and in the stands to practice and film little clips of their own.