Page 99 of Venomous Vows

I love this woman and she still can’t find it in herself to open up and let me in.



I spentan hour mulling over my emotions and why I’m so hypersensitive to everything around me. Adrian leaving to go take care of The Disciples fills me with every ounce of anxiety that I’ve ever possessed. The thought of him leaving—to a fight, no less—makes me crazy. I’m trying to open up to him and he refuses to give any leeway to how I would feel if the worst happened.

Especially since the worst almostdidhappen.

Adrian walks around like he’s a god and the attempt on his life must’ve given him more of a god complex that he’s immortal and no harm can be done to him.

But this mere human over here knows better and I won’t be subjected to being second place all the time while Adrian doesn’t change how he does things. In a relationship, I’m affected, too.

And so is what we created.

I’m pregnant.

It came to mind when I couldn’t stop crying. While I was more angry than I normally am with Adrian then would fall into bits of more despair at the hands of what he said. Since I don’ttrust any of the men in Adrian’s employ to keep a secret, I called Marcella and had her pick some up.

And yes, I called her because her room is like a mile away on the other side of Adrian’s house palace.

Peeing on the stick was the hardest thing to do when I’ve already had mixed emotions about having children right now, let alone ones with Adrian.

“Is that two lines?” Marcella plucks the test out from between my fingers and stares at it with owlish eyes. “Are you…”


I’m not surprised. Marcella bought several tests to be sure, but I’m sure. That man fucks me like it’s his job. And he’s a top producer.

“Shit, Elena…” Marcella grabs my hand and squeezes, worried because she’s not sure how much I’m into this. How upset or slightly happy I might be with how everything has been going on. “Are you okay?”

I lift my chin. “I’m fine.”

“You don’t…seem fine. I know things started rocky with you and Adrian. But you seemed happy the day of your wedding.”

I was.

It was crazy that I didn’t feel that same animosity toward Adrian that day. I was actually looking forward to giving us a shot. To see if something else lay under all the poking and prodding of each other.

It’d be insane to call what I’m feeling for Adrian love because this man terrorized me, but I’m having a hard time even calling it that now.

At that time, I grew up next to a mobster. I waltzed into that house like I owned it when men I’d never seen before glanced my way and I didn’t pay them any attention. Adrian’s right, I could’ve been kidnapped or worse. He’d known those men morethan I did and I was stubborn as hell with a chip on my shoulder. No one was going to tell me what to do, especially Adrian.

Because, once upon a time, I had a crush on him and he demolished it with his mean words and heavy glares. Instead of getting hurt, I pushed back. I grew to hate him because allowing him an ounce of power didn’t sit well with me.

It still doesn’t, but he does.

And now I’m carrying his child, one that he said we didn’t need to have, and I don’t know how to feel about it. My business is booming and, without Celine, I’m swamped. Having a baby is going to be even harder. Having Adrian leave in the middle of the night and abandon me at the house to worry is irritating as fuck. No woman in her right mind would want their child to grow up without their father.

I know I did after Mom died.

“You don’t look fine,” Marcella says softly. “Does he know?”

I shake my head. “Just you. We had a fight.”


“Tonight. I didn’t want him to leave to do whatever it was he was going off and do.”