Page 52 of Venomous Vows

I lean closer, pressing my forehead against hers, and breathe her in. “Piccola diavola,do you think a man would dare touch you now after I’ve claimed you? I’ve protected you for years against the mob…even as a teenage boy. Why do you think you hate me so much? I’ve told you this already.”

“These…are grown-ass men. It’s not that I’m afraid of them, but I run a business with my name attached to it.”

“Maybe we’re business partners for all they know. I won’t publicly call you my mistress. How is that?”


“Only if you come.”

“Then you’ll leave?”

“Was that part of the arrangement?”

I hear her release a sigh, but her eyes are closed, focused on the here and now. On the sensations I’m giving her.

Elena was always this being that I could never touch because she never wanted me. Even with my power and riches, it would never sway her. It would never get her to cross a line. Elena is here to pay a debt.

And I’m here to reap the rewards.

I shouldn’t feel guilty for putting her in the situation. She needed help, I provided it, and now it’s time to pay the price. My plan is that after the birth of my first child, I would have grown bored with Elena. That whatever magical force that has clouded my head will dissipate and disappear so that I can let her go and live her life to the fullest, doing whatever it is that she wants to do.

However, currently, with my fingers shoved deeply inside her cunt, there isn’t any way that I would ever trade this in for a wife, a new mistress, a child, or even the dismissal of The Disciples.

That’s a problem.

I’m starting to believe that the reason why I want Elena so tucked underneath me is because I was never able to have her before. She has been the one thing I craved as a teenage boy that I was never able to have.

I’ve stolen and fought.

I’ve won and lost.

All while being proud of everything I have accomplished throughout my life, with and without my father’s help. I run the most powerful Italian mob in the Midwest, but she is the one thing that hovers over my head like a shooting star that I’m unable to grab. I’m hoping that one day I’ll be able to breakthe spell and get out of this trance that I seem to be in because no piece of pussy is worth this. A whole week where I’ve been nothing but focused on her. Where my fantasies are starting to edge into reality and I’m not focusing on what needs to be done around me.

A month.

And I’m being generous with the timeline. Once I find a woman who would be the perfect mold for my wife, I’ll be dead set on that alone. I need to build a relationship with the female that will become my partner and bear my children, and I don’t want to start off on the wrong foot by having my mistress waltz around town with me on my arm.

Not that Elena would.

She’d rather cut her own damn arm off than touch mine out in public, where she can be classified as something unworthy or, as she put it, slutty.

However, I still would like to make my mark.

There isn’t anything that I seem to want more at the present time than to make Elena think of me. It seems to be some stupid-ass obsession of mine that I can’t seem to shake but also keep to myself at the same time. I wouldn’t call this a weakness, per se. However, I’m not exactly proud of myself for this being a continuous thing.

How kingdoms fall.

How men act like fools over a woman just to get a taste. Throughout history, women have been men’s downfall. And I’m not looking to add my name to the idiot list. My father gave me this position as his eldest son and I take that responsibility very seriously. There is nothing more that I want than to make the succession of my family thrive and for my sons to be able to take over the empire I’ve created.

This too shall pass.

There is nothing special about Elena other than the fact that I’ve never been able to be this close to her. Nothing more in this world that’s more important than the life I’ve created for myself and for my brother. My life will continue regardless if Elena likes me or not.

Elena suddenly moans my name and I’m so deep within my own head that I don’t even get to enjoy the buildup of it.

It’s absolutely fucking infuriating.

This is the first time I’ve ever had her like this and I’m off in space thinking about how she’s never going to be able to have that sort of power over me and look at what she’s done already.