“It was last minute.”
“Adrian…” She glares at me like she’s about to throttle me and I’m intrigued at what she has in mind. This woman has always done shit to me that no other female has and I’ve always been hitched around for the ride.
“Yes, wifey?”
“Don’tcall me that,” she grinds out under her breath. “I’m pissed off at you.”
“I couldn’t tell.”
“Why would you do this to me?” she protests and the way her voice cracks a bit, it makes my chest tighten. “You know how much my sister’s kidnapping has…” She stops, but she doesn’t need to finish. If Zane were taken, I would’ve torn this whole city apart with all my resources at my disposal.
Elena doesn’t have that luxury, but she has me now and I will make sure all her needs are met.
“If it didn’t go well the other day,” I reply honestly. “I didn’t want to worry you. I had a doctor check Marcella out to make sure I didn’t need to take her to the emergency room?—”
“She’s my sister, Adrian.Ishould’ve done those things. I should’ve been there. She doesn’t know you.”
I bow my head because she’s right. Obviously, I lack the ability to give up control of mostly anything. I’ve never had to consult with anyone but Zane about certain things and, even then, I normally don’t.
“I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, Elena,” I vouch simply. “I am sorry.”
Her face softens a tad before she heaves in a deep inhale. This is new for us. We don’t apologize. We growl and fight and give each other our worst. “I forgive you. Thank you…for bringing her back safely.”
“You’re welcome. You might want to get a hold of your father. I may have left a mess behind.”
Her brows pinch. “What?”
“Nothing,” I reply with a shake of my head. “Let’s just say I didn’t pay in cash to get your sister back.”
“Oh.” I expect her to chide me about lying and deceiving someone, but I get none of that.
Instead, I see her mind running a million miles an hour and more than likely conjuring up what I could’ve done instead.
It wasn’t high-fives.
“Might want to get him to the house, too,piccola diavola.Just in case they try to retaliate.”
Elena’s face lifts. “You think they will? Did you fight them?”
Pressing my lips together for a brief moment, I’m trying to skate around the actual events that occurred. The last thing I need is her feeling guilty toward the men who kidnapped her sister. “I wouldn’t necessarily call it a fight. However, I did send a message.”
“Do I want to know?”
“No. However, I don’t think they’ll fall for my trick again. And if your father is used for collateral damage, we might not get that lucky. Women are kidnapped and sold. Men are killed.”
Her face pales, but she doesn’t cower back from my statement. “Okay.” She looks at my chest. “I was going to call him anyway to let him know Marcella was back, so I can tell him to pack a bag. Are you sure?—”
“Positive. After all, he is going to be my father-in-law.”
Elena bristles a bit at that and rolls her eyes. “Lovely. I’m sure you’re extremely excited about that.”
“I am. It’s only me and Zane. My father and mother are gone.”
She frowns before slicing those blues back up to me. “I know. I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“For bitching.”