Page 56 of Venomous Vows

Amos is used to me being alone and not flaunting females around the dinner table, which may come off as disrespectful in his eyes.

“Kira, would you like me to show you the house?” I suggest to pull her away from Zane and Amos. “Dinner should be out in about ten minutes.”

“Nah, stay,” my brother insists. “I have about a dozen more questions for Kira.”

I flick my annoyance at him. “I bet you do. And I’m almost certain none of them are educational.”

“I have them written down, per se,” my brother muses with a shitty-ass smirk. “However, Kira needs to get used to me one way or another. And if this woman is allegedly about to become your wife, I do believe I owe her the reality of what she’s walking into.”

Kira chuckles a bit. “You make it sound as if ye’re lookin’ to scare me off.”

“Not at all,” Zane states. “I’m actually encouraging it. You’ll take a lot of the focus off me. I’m literally your biggest fan right now.”

She laughs a little harder and paws lightly at his hand. “I can already tell you’re the terrible brother.”

“Guilty as charged,” my brother emits with a raised hand. Amos and I connect stares and I jerk my head for him to get on.We’ll catch up later and he can divulge all his worries to me on why he’s not a fan of Kira or anyone else, if that is the case.

He pushes his chair back, earning the attention of Zane and Kira, and begins to excuse himself. “It was nice meeting you, Kira. I have some things to attend to.”

“Of course,” Kira instantly accepts. “Thank you for the warm welcome.”

It wasn’t one.

Amos has trust issues, and that’s why he makes a good man-at-arms. He plays both sides of the scenario in his head. There’s nothing that he ever gets biased on. Yet sometimes I think he allows that to seep into his personal life and it makes him lonely.

My cell phone buzzes in the suit jacket of my coat, but I don’t reach for it. If it’s anything important, they’ll call Amos, and he now has all the time in the world to speak with someone.

The table is silent without the third man who just left and I knew it would be slightly awkward, but there was no other way to do it. Kira is holding up just fine.

Zane’s cell chimes then, immediately gaining my full focus even though it’s not meant for me. The chain is me first, then Amos. I keep Zane out of business dealings and issues because he hates them and would rather work behind the scenes.

“Hello?” my brother greets, not bothering to excuse himself from the table at whoever was important enough to answer on the other line. The scraping of his chair indicates that something’s wrong. “Where is she?”

My palms fall to the armrest of my chair and I’m ready to make the move when Zane is.

It’s Elena.

I can fucking feel it.

And if she left me, I’m going to drag her fucking ass back kicking and screaming.

“I’ve got a doctor,” Zane argues to the other side of his phone. “Keep the pigs out of it, Marcella. Adrian and I will be there shortly.”

Then he hangs up, instantly waiting for me to make the call and move. And that’s what I do.

“I apologize, Kira, but something has come up.”

She frowns but doesn’t appear upset. “I understand.” Getting to her feet, she flattens out her dress with her palms.

“I’ll have one of my drivers get you home safely.” I lift a brow. “May I call you?”

Her lips curl and she almost appears as if she’s about to swoon. “I’d love that. Maybe something more casual next time?”

“Whatever you want.” I point to her wine. “Finish your drink. The driver will come in and get you when he’s out front and ready.”

“Thank you, Adrian. And be careful…with whatever it is.”

I nod and stride from the room with my brother in tow.