Page 59 of The Soulless Witch

“I see,” Regina replied flatly, her eyes returning to me. “I hope you are both enjoying yourselves then. In honor of the Goddess, we reevaluate our past, our present, and our choices yet to be made.” She held my gaze for a long moment, then smiled. “I’d love for us to speak again, Celeste.In private.” She didn’t look at Roman as she said that, but the implication was clear. “If you’ll excuse me, I have to tend to my coven first.”

Not waiting for our answer, she walked away, Samara rushing to catch up.

Chapter 31


“Nothappening,”Romansaidwith a note of finality in his voice. “We are not separating.”

“Regina will never approach me with you stuck to me like my shadow. Or anyone else, for that matter! Not with the way they look at you.” I sighed, rubbing my forehead in annoyance. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but for once, I’m not the most hated person in the room.”

Roman’s eyes remained unyielding as he held my gaze. He opened his mouth, a ‘no’ already forming on his lips, when I poked my finger in his chest. His face hardened with frustration, but as he wrapped his hand around my wrist, his hold was gentle.

“It’s too risky,” he repeated, releasing my hand. “If you are not beside me, I can’t…” He trailed off, raising an eyebrow as if waiting for me to finish the thought by myself.

“You are a vampire,” I said, trying to keep the exasperation out of my voice while I wrapped my arms around his neck. “You can hear and see better than anyone here. You said you can track me through my blood.” I pulled him down so I could reach his face, brushing my lips over his ear. “I promise to scream your name if I need your help. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

I stepped back, giving him a taunting smile that I knew would cost me later. His expression was one of complete displeasure, but his eyes were resigned.

“Stay within my sight,” he ordered, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. “And you better scream if someone so much as threatens you, or I will give these witches an even better reason to hate me. Do we have an understanding?”

I suppressed my victorious smile, blowing him a kiss as I walked away. His gaze made the skin on my neck bristle until, finally, the pressure between my shoulder blades lessened.

Curious eyes followed me while I made a slow circle around the hall, trying to decide who to approach. I didn’t have enough magic to prod the mental defenses of every witch, so I had to find someone who was most likely to have some answers. I had maybe two tries, depending on how hard it would be to get into their thoughts.

The problem was, every time I tried to get near a group, the witches scattered before I could say a word. On the fourth failed attempt, I gave up. If I tried to stop them from leaving, they’d put their guard up even before I spoke, and I’d just exhaust myself trying to break them, only to find out they didn’t know anything.

I needed to get to someone higher up, someone like Regina. But there was no way I’d be able to invade her mind in my condition, especially with all that energy that she kept for herself tonight. The others might have not noticed, too taken by the pretty display, but I had lived too long to be mesmerized by sparkly things. Tonight Regina was undoubtedly the most powerful person here. Well, except maybe for Roman.

But if I couldn’t get to her, then who was my next best choice?

The question had barely formed in my mind when I spotted a flurry of dark hair and a sparkling emerald dress climb one of the side staircases leading out of the ballroom. Roman had mentioned that this building hosted several halls connected with corridors and stairs, and lots of restrooms and other facilities in between. Catching Samara alone would be even better than approaching her here.

Picking up my skirt, I headed toward the staircase, ignoring the heads turning my way. I spotted Roman by one of the walls, holding an untouched champagne glass to his lips. He moved to follow, but I shook my head. The way his eye twitched told me that his patience wouldn’t last long, so I hurried up the stairs, making sure not to trip. I was pretty sure he would be flying across the room if I so much as stubbed my toe.

Stepping into the spacious corridor leading away from the ballroom, I was surprised at how quickly the noises from the gathering died down to a distant hum. I stopped at the first intersection, looking left and right as I tried to determine where she might have gone. There was no trace of anyone in either direction.

I tapped into my magic, using a tiny sliver while focusing on Samara’s heart-shaped face, thick brows, straight nose, and full lips. I imagined her emerald dress, her black heels, and even the clutch she squeezed in her hand. I added her sneer and the murderous glint in her eyes for a good measure, and the tiny ball of energy parted in two before dashing into each corridor. I waited until one of the balls came blinking back. Smiling to myself, I followed it as it returned to the corridor on the right. I walked for several minutes when the light stopped and blinked out of existence.

I took another step forward, then another until I finally saw her. She was crouching next to the parapet of an open balcony overlooking the city, her forehead pressed against the stone as she took deep, calming breaths. I paused to watch her, curious about what got her so upset when I remembered I wasn’t there for that.

I channeled more of my magic, sending it toward her. She didn’t react as my energy slid around her, but at the first prod of her mind, her head snapped up. She turned in my direction, eyes wide with indignation.

“Are you alright?” I asked, trying to make myself sound concerned. I made my magic touch her soothingly, as if I was petting her head, but that only brought the sneer back to her face.

“Get your filthy magic off me!” she snarled, her own energy wrapping around her like a shield. Her mental wards snapped into place, so thick and shiny that I knew I wouldn’t be getting through. Just how was this little girl so strong? She had to be in her mid-twenties, yet a power like hers needed at least thrice as much time to accumulate.

“What is your problem?” I frowned, trying a different approach. “I only asked if you were alright since you looked like you were about to cry.”

“I wasn’t about to cry!” Samara bared her teeth.

“I wasn’t born yesterday, witchling.” I sighed, taking a few steps toward her. Samara didn’t retreat, her eyes filling with readiness as if she expected an attack. “Why are you so hostile toward me? I haven’t done anything to you. And from what I heard, you don’t remember your past, so I couldn’t have done anything to anyone you know, either. Are you that foolish to thinkonly what others tell you to?”

Samara’s magic brushed against mine, and I had to stop a shudder from rocking my body. So much power…this girl could do great things, amazing things. But seeing the reverence she gave Regina, I was afraid the world might suffer under such greatness.

I thought about battering into her mental shield and shattering it even if it took every ounce of power I had, but looking at those dark eyes, I was suddenly reminded of Lily. She probably would have scolded me for trying to invade a person’s mind right after seeing them cry.

“I’m not afraid of you,” Samara spat. “Do you know why, Ancient one? Because there is nothing you can do to me that hasn’t been done already. There is nothing you can take that hasn’t been taken. There is nothing you can give me that hasn’t been given. I’m not like all the others in that room. I do not fear death!’